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The perfect man!

Hottie of the Week!

Ok i know i said bam margera was going to be the hottie this week but sence no body goes to this site i dont give a shit! this is my site and i get to pic the hottie! Bam will be next week i swear!

As a teenage girl getting ready to start my life and hit the road (after prom!) I have decided to search for the all time greatest man as a Prom date/ Boy Friend. Now I know that the chances of me finding the "Perfect Man" are slim to none (unless i check the Humaine Society, but due to the fact that I dont want to be the old woman with 100 cats at the corner of the street) So I decided the internet is the perfect way to get my word out to the world! Please feel free to pass this page around to your friends and e-mail me any suggestions you have! ( Site created July 28,2003
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