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How much do we know about Tonks? Do we really know she is as young as she looks. She is a metomorphagis so why wouldn¡¯t she want to look young?
And also can Tonks die? I mean she can change her appearance, so why can¡¯t she like heal a cut. Only if she gets hit by a curse or knocked unconscious how does she get hurt and stay hurt?

All the Bad Teachers

Why does Dumbledore keep Snape? Because Dumbledore trusts Snape? No. Dumbledore keeps Snape at Hogwarts so he can keep a watch on Snape. Think about it. Snape used to be a DeathEater. Dumbledore watches Snape to make sure Snape doesn't go weak and go back to his old addiction...Voldemort/evil/dark arts

Dumbledore doesn't keep Sbyil for her teaching skills. He keeps her to protect her from DeathEater/Voldemort who can use her to get the rest of the prophecy.

We don't know why Dumbledorekeeps Filch. But most likely its important.

Whats with Voldie poo calling Bellatrix "Bella"?

Well the first thing you think of Voldies got a thing for her. But if you notice he also calls Lucious Malfoy "Lucious" and Peter "Wormtail" But all the rest of the DeathEaters are addressed by their last names. So it seems the higher up you are in the DeathEater chain the more respect you have from Tommy Boy

Why did Voldemort not want to kill Lily?

The Volemort and Lily are related theory:
This could work. Tom Riddle's father was a muggle. He left Voldemort and his mother. What stops Voldie Father from starting another family?

Voldemort only kills when he has too.
You get that feeling that Voldemort LOVES to torture, but he doesn't kill that often. He only kills who he needs dead.

Why does Voledmort only like pureblood when infact he isn't pureblood
This could be Voldemorts self-hate. And the hate for his father. As we know Voldemort changed his look dramaticaly meaning he wants to get away from himself and his heritage.