*** Top Stories for  ***

Study Shows That Americans Are Not Wearing Enough Corporate Logos---
(New York, NY)  According to a revealing study sponsored by Tommy Hilfiger Inc., the GAP Inc., Old Navy Inc., and about four thousand other designer clothing retailers, including the sportsshoe industry led by Nike Inc., Americans apparently are not wearing enough corporate logos yet.  (Click here for full story)

Major League Baseball to Ban Latest
Performance-enhancing Substance: Vegetables---
(Disassociated Press)  The MLB Commissioner’s Office announced Thursday that in its continuing efforts to crack down on performance-enhancing substances, it will now be illegal for baseball players to consume vegetables during the baseball season.  (Click here for full story)

German Forces Occupying France Swell to 650, French Leaders On Verge of Begging For 
American, British Aid---
(Paris-stadt, Re-occupied France)  Following the sudden, decisive invasion and subsequent conquest of the French Republic by Teutonic tourists last week, Frenchmen worldwide are lamenting their huge, embarrassing failure to defend their nation once again.  (Click here for full story)

***WAR ALERT*** 150 German Tourists in Paris Take Over City Without Shots Fired, Again---
(Paris-stadt, Re-occupied France)  In a totally unexpected and perfect coup, middle-aged and elderly German tourists took over the city of love without resistance armed only with travel toothbrushes early Thursday morning.  (Click here for full story)


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Be it known that all material within and connected to The Liberty Cabbage is purely fictional and any resemblance of characters herein to real people is purely coincidental and a dirty shame.  All copyrighted images herein belong to their creators and owners.

The Liberty Cabbage, 2003