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Being intelligent is not a felony, but most societies evaluate it as at least a misdemeanor. -- Lazarus Long
Basic ''temp-throw-'em-up-there'' list: Will be updated periodically.


Games to watch:
Stars! (can it make the transition from it's glorious floppy days to a modern GUI?)
Starbase Delta - A Stars! Supernova Genesis Site!
HalfLife II (duh!)
GameSpy.Com - HalfLife 2 Home
GameSpy.Com - HalfLife 2 Preview

God on the 'Net? -
Nebraska Regional Bahai Schools Site

My current Career Aspiration -
Photojournalist? China? C++ teacher? Ummmm.. hold on a sec.
PhotoLinks Directory of Photography

Mathematics and computers -
A Powerful Synergy
''''s excellent OpenPGP primer (Public Key Encryption)

Online Gaming - an Obsession
(the good kind) since '91

Area51: Call of Duty -
My wierd, wild, and wonderful Clanmates (teammates)

Call of Duty FORUMS -
Area51_CoD's 'Net Forums

Area51: Medal of Honor -
The First (?) Area51 Clan, allies/sister to us CoD-ers

DOOM - The Breakthrough -
Modem-to-modem, my First (non-Arcade) Multiplayer Kill

Tobias Barzydlo
aka TheLastSamurai

Thought Of The Day(dreamer)

         ''One Twitch, Two Prayers''

   I knew my Duty
   And he knew His

 We stared down our sights
 Angle, motion, fear and dread

 Like our ancestors before
 One died, fell and bled

 My trigger squeezed first
 Put my shot through his head

 Two prayers, fearful and sad
 One twitch, one life
 One gone and one mad.

          The Last Samurai