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' O h    Y e a h     B a b y

|| Role-Play # : 1 || Record : 00 - 00 - 00 || Achievements : ||


*It is a dark stormy night leading up to biggest event of the year. A helicopter view of the landscape shows a lonely mail delivery vehicle driving down an extremely curvy road. The wipers do not work very well as he struggles to make the last delivery when finally the GPS says you have reached your destination. The mail person grabs a package not realizing where they are yet, he turns around to put the package at a door but instead sees nothing but rain and an open field. He looks up at a very old oak tree and notices the entrance is none other than dune hill Cemetery. The most haunted cemetery known in the area as he hears a voice near him “Give me the package and leave now”. He turns around to a shadow figure wearing all black and a crooked face, he hands him the package and ask for a signature. The figure grabs the paper and signs his name “stalker” in fresh blood and hands it back as the man leaves. The package is opened and inside is the one thing he has been waiting for his acceptance into WCF. He walks back into the Cemetery into a small run down cabin by the fence in the back. He sits down next to his pet raven and pulls out his phone. He decides that a personally thank you is needed as he begins dialing the owner’s number as he answers…*

Scene 1- New Era

Seth-Hello, Big S I assume you got my package?

Stalker- Yes I did

Seth- You will not have to wait long for your introduction match it is a battle royal.

Stalker- I like my odds even though more people are involved I will make a great first impression to the company and show the passion I truly have.

Seth- I was hoping you would say that, it is important to never back down from a challenge.

Stalker- I was raised to defy all odds and come out on top and it will be no different whenever the odds are against me in WCF. I may not always be victorious however; my presence will be felt weeks after the confrontation.

Seth- Love hearing that! I will need you to come to my office one you arrive so you can get the official handshake and see the challengers that await you how soon can you be here and be safe in the storm please.

Stalker- Give me a few hours deal?

Seth- Deal

*They hang up as he gets up from the table and goes freshen up best he can considering his currently situation, he walks outside with his top hat on and walks behind the big oak tree and climbs onto his motorcycle gripping the handles tightly and drives off into the storm as he was instructed. Hours pass on the dark night but finally the WCF building comes into focus “only a little longer” he tells himself, two hours of riding and finally he reaches the parking lot with only one space available he pulls in ignoring the “reserved for veterans spot”. He climbs off the bike and is greeted at the door by the WCF enforcer asking for his ID and the purpose he has here, Seth walks up and tells him to relax I summoned him here as the newest member of WCF. Seth greets him at the door and they walk to the office and close the door.*

Stalker: This is one of my biggest dreams to be here and make an impact is there anything you can tell me about this battle royal

Seth: WCF is full of elite talent and even the new comers we have signed will give anyone a challenge. This battle royal is no different except that your the rookie in the bunch but win or lose you will gain a lot of respect to these men you are taking on.

Stalker:The talent pool that is found here in WCF was the deciding factor that I signed here instead of just staying in retirement. I love a good challenge and this roster is full of them. I will let you decide what your plans are for me and I will always pass expectations.

Seth: I am glad to hear that however; right now go home and enjoy the week off as your not expected in WCF until next week when the match goes live. I will be in contact with you throughout the week so keep the phone close.

*Stalker gets up, shakes hand with Seth and leaves the office closing the door behind him. He takes his trench coat throwing it over his shoulder walking towards the parking lot. He exits into the parking lot throwing his coat on and climbing on his ride. He starts it up and heads east not towards the cemetery but towards the city. He hits the interstate and pulls over at the next resting spot and decides to call his family...*

scene 2- Coming Home

*He looks at the time and decides he has been resting long enough, he drives off heading 200 miles to Baltimore as he reaches the city early the next morning. Driving to his parents house he parks the bike and walks up to the door knocking in special code as he was raised to do. A light clicks on and the door opens...*

Mom: Son, what brings you here this hour is everything okay? It has been years since I've seen you.

S: I know mom, sorry about the long drought of not seeing me I just have been battling through a series of things. It was nothing against you I promise anyway, may I come in I am sore, tired and cold.

Mom: Of course sweetie, come on in I actually have a fresh pot of coffee and Ill get breakfast going.

*He walks inside to a warm very organized home. He removes his shoes and coat out of respect to his mother. He sits down on the couch as she brings him some coffee and sits down next to him. He looks at his coffee, bringing back the good memories of the home and he stands up and looks back at his mother*

S: I do have a reason for my visit this morning, you know my history of addictions and failures and it has lead me down a road I am not proud of. It cost me my career as a entertainer in the WWCF but last night I was offered and accepted into WCF one of the biggest corporations out there. I was very happy too get the contract because I have a lot left in the tank and something to prove. I wanted to reach out and ask that you come to my debut match next week as a early Christmas present.

Mom: Sweetie, you know I am always going to support you and I would of course love to be there for you just get me a ticket or work something out. I understand how far you've come compared to years ago and just seeing you this morning shows me that your ready to take on anyone and everyone to show you belong. Care to tell me about your match?

S: I will do what it takes to make sure your there. In regards to my match it is a battle royal it involves generally four or more opponents. I have respect for all of them because they have been in the business more then me. I am honored to compete at my fullest ability against them knowing 100% of my efforts may still not be enough. I am driven by these men to prove that I am a rookie but should be taken seriously. One thing you always taught me was not having my expectations to high and I am remaining focuses on the match with zero expectations so I do not let myself down. One thing you may not know is although I have many years of wrestling under my belt this is the first time I have done a match like this. I am so use to the solo challengers that I am not sure how to plan for this match so luckily I have a few weeks to figure it out. I need to train quickly as I am out of touch with the new era training methods used nowadays.

Mom:I just want the best for you I hope you realize that and I will always worry about you now that your coming out of retirement. It is important to know that regardless of the result I am proud of you for sticking with your dreams and not letting the door slam shut on them. There are so many people in our family that give up and accomplish nothing so I encourage you to do this until your heart it no longer in it.

S: I will never give up on my dreams and the one thing I have never accomplished is being world champion and this is the most elite bunch of ladies and gentleman I have seen on a roster. I am not intimidated at all but this will be my biggest challenge in 20 years at least. I need to get going though I have some business to take care of.

*He hugs his mother goodbye and hands her a card whispering call and make ticket arrangements. He smiles and walks out the day, the sun is coming out as he jumps on his bike and drives away. He arrives back at WCF in time for his debut match and walks back inside and towards the ring. He walks out, stands at the edge of the ramp and takes it all in, darkness overcomes the place and silence is heard. He walks down in darkness and the ramp lights show no expression on his face. He reaches the ring and the lights come on as he steps over the top rope and stands there. He walks over to the edge and looks around, completing this four times before returning to center ring.*

Scene 3-I have arrived

Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. It is a new yet refreshing experience for me to be here this evening. I am far from a rookie, however; I do have things to improve on and why not come to the best place around to freshen up. Rumor has it I am in a battle royal for my first match and I am beyond ready. I like when the odds are against me it is when I do my best work and achieve my biggest goals. My opponents tonight have more experience then I ever thought of but all are beatable as well. The expectation from me is going out here and leaving it right here. It is about how much passion and dedication one has to their training and matches. My training regimen is intense and one of the hardest in the country so consider me the fittest of the group. It is important that this speech be made as my goal is to be here for a long run. I will not stoop to others level and bash my fellow opponents what is the point. My career has always been respectful regardless of how someone treats me it is about building relationships and settling scores when needed. Being a pushover is not in my DNA and I refuse to start now. My presence will be felt and win or lose there will be pain, suffering and blood. *Darkness comes over WCF once again. He is seen leaving towards the back. He walks through the curtain raising his hand and a blast goes off. Cameras follow him too the newly furnished locker room and he closes the door in order to concentrate for tommorrow night.*


|| People Beaten :Crash Holly,Vampiro,Batista, Randy Orton||

|| Handler Information || E-Mail :   || AIM : ThGreatOne6 ||