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Home Sweet Home

Top 10 Most Interesting Things

Hello everyone!!!!! I stayed up way late last night to update a lot of stuff. I actually finished the Smallville section of the website. I also finished the picture gallery. They are "tight". Well, this is my 3rd day home alone from school becasue I was assaulted by a police officer. I am going to be back on Tuesday though to raise hell, as usual. Please explore the rest of the site, and feel free to e-mail questions, comments, or just chatter to me. My e-mail address is posted at the bottom of the page.

I am hoping to put up some kind of message board in soon, to some part of the site, but wepage creation is a difficult thing to handle. I will keep trying, so you just keep clicking. Please enjoy!!!!

Also, be sure to check all of the other parts of my website, like the about page, opinion page, and contact page. There are also many cool links at the bottom of every page, so be sure to check those out too!!!!! Please enjoy!!!!!

-The Creator

Links to My Other Pages

My Opinion Page
My Smallville Webpage
My Smallville Picture Page
My Top Ten Page
My Matrix Trilogy Website
My Matrix Picture Gallery
