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Teens For Him
Saturday, 13 September 2003
Another of my favorite...
I've told you about Lahaye and Jenkins already and how awesome they are. Now I'm going to tell you about someone else. Ted Dekker. I don't know how many books he's written but I have two of his and if you saw them you would know how much I adore these books. I've read them so many times and taken them so many places that their pages are dog-eared, smudged, and the covers are fading. The books are so good. Both stories are of unconditional love. When I say unconditional I mean unconditional. In When Heaven Weeps a man, Janjic Jovic, is given the love of God to love Helen who happens to be a junkie off the street. In the book Jan is a famous writer because of his book about the war he was in and witnessed the acts of love for Christ. He in turn has to deal with the world's view of him and Helen as well as Helen's abusive boyfriend. In the other book, Heaven's Wager, Helen comes back only she is much older now and Jan is dead. Kent, her son-in-law, has no faith whatsoever in a god. Helen knows a wager has been cast in heaven over Kent's soul. She has become part of a game and Kent goes off the deep end when he loses pretty much everything. He must deal with the loss of family, backstabbing at work, and Helen who seems to always be in the way. These books are awesome and should be read in order starting with When Heaven Weeps. You won't be sorry!

Posted by hero/teensforhim at 8:47 AM PDT
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Friday, 12 September 2003
The Rapture...
We've all heard of the Rapture. If you haven't you have now. What is it? Some people ask that because they don't know. I can't blame them. It's not out very much but I'm here to bring it out. First off, the Rapture is a Christian belief. It is described in the Bible in the book of Revelations. It sounds horrible and a lot of it could be imagery or it's exact. No matter, the basic idea is that Jesus is coming back for us. He's coming back to pick up those who have taken Him as their personal savior. It says he comes on a white horse and there will be a loud trumpet signifying His return. We will disappear leaving everything but our bodies. We will rise to heaven and the people who are left behind will not see this. All they will see is the fact that we have disappeared. Chaos will reign in light of our disappearance. Many will think it's the end and they've missed their chance but they are wrong. There is a seven year period in which they can change their minds before Christ comes back and the final battle is fought. Those seven years I mentioned will be terrible. Earthquakes, disease, plagues, dictators much worse than any other in history. It will seem okay for a while but soon....soon it will go downhill. It will be ugly. For those who would like to learn more I suggest reading Revelations in the Bible (HINT: It's the very last book in the Bible.) or read the Left Behind series by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins (They have a great gift). Even if you don't believe a word of what I've said Lahaye and Jenkins write great stories filled with action and love. They are quite good. Be sure to read them in order though!

Posted by hero/teensforhim at 5:29 PM PDT
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What makes me mad....
Have I stated that I'm a Christian? I do believe so. If not, now you know. Anyway...I know everyone's seen them. If you hang out on the Net you've seen them. They are those people who say, "If you don't repent you're going to HE^L!" Okay, these people make me angry. I'm a Christian and yes I believe that if we don't take Christ in as our Savior that yes, we'll go to he#! but (big but!) but it's not something that can be pushed. I hate when people push like that because I myself have been pushed and all that causes is resentment towards the Christians. It also causes people to, if they give in, to become Christians for the wrong reasons. You're supposed to become a Christian because you BELIEVE Christ IS the Messiah and that He DID die on the cross to save us, not because the people said you'd got to he!! without it. Do it when you're ready. I have only one thing to say about procrastination. I think the time is near for the rapture and if you're left behind...well it won't be pretty. Search on your own. Make your own conclusions but don't wait too long if you can help it! Have a great day!

Posted by hero/teensforhim at 5:19 PM PDT
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Prayer Requests
I'd like to invite anyone, Christian or non-Christian, believer or not, to give me any prayer requests you may have. Doesn't matter to me, or to God, whether it's something small or something huge. I'll take them all. Just e-mail me (it's on my profile) and let me know. You don't have to state a name for the person or yourself and I promise not to reply unless you ask for one. It's totally private. I won't tell anyone but God. This is just a way for you to get some extra coverage when you think maybe you're not being heard. I can guarantee that you are being heard. God answers those who keep asking. Never give up!

Posted by hero/teensforhim at 5:03 PM PDT
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My First Blog Entry
I'm so grateful to get to do this. Most people don't get to speak out but in this land known as the US of A we get to speak as we wish. I went to a youth group meeting last night at the local church and I can tell you it was a real awakening. Everyone has heard the old saying of what would you do with only a day left on earth? Well our paster put that to us and made it half an hour. How many people would we preach to? How many people would we try to save? How many lives could we affect? He told us about Paul who lived his life purely for the sake of saving people. Now most would say that's a boring way to live but I can tell you it's not. There is nothing (nothing!) like helping bring someone to Christ. When they finally change and you can see the change it's undescribable. It feels good! It's a feeling you can't get anywhere else. It's amazing. One of these days others will see this and will begin trying to live only to save people. Maybe one day I will solely give myself to it instead of the menial things on earth such as school.

Posted by hero/teensforhim at 4:51 PM PDT
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