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Team Deviant


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Team Deviant

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8/30/04 -Three members left our squad, so that drops us back down to 4; the original four. Angel and I talked about and saw this coming, but what really sucked was that they didn't bother teling us that they were leaving. It actually hurt, but it's ok, it motivated me, i played pretty well on sunday, and hopefully Chris can get me a job. The decision the three made to leave had me down for a while, then i got mad, now i want to try even harder to get better. I regret not playing those 4-5 weeks, but I learned my lesson and in order to keep a team, you have to have communication on and off the field. I'll try to update this site more often now, even though people aren't gonna read it, it's just...i guess it's a place where i can let shit out. It's going to get harder from here on, can't scrim much with four people, but we can still get better. I guess Palahniuk was right, "nothing is static." -Chom