"E" in LOVE

Title: LOVE 3-2009
Size: 15" x 20"
Description: Mixed Media Collage on canvas
After my last series that I painted a couple of years ago, I have been teaching and becoming a "man", no longer listening to the old voices of the past. I am now painting with the thought of showing them at my church. It is intentional and all letters. This is the first of a series. I wanted to do the word "FREEDOM", but I only had four small canvases... so I picked "LOVE" as my first paintings... after two years not picking up a brush it felt good to "get back in the saddle again" and start painting. I listen to worship music and paint... I will be getting new paints and throwing away the old... symbolic of my new identity God has given me. We will see where this next journey will take me.