Title: 33 UnHoly Bondage - Hate 1995
Size: 30" x 40"
Description: Mixed Media Collage on canvas
Comments: Many religious people motivate with the spirits of fear and hate. The recent nerve gas poisoning in Tokyo was the reason I did this piece. It is amazing to me how leaders motivate their converts to kill or terrorize like that. But then I thought how hate no matter what form it takes be it religious or political can be justified as long as it is used for your own cause or ideology. So to any degree of hate, whether it’s toward a boss or a nation can be just as destructive as nerve gas in God’s eyes. That is how the atrocities in the past and present have been committed in the name of religion. Rape and murder fill the pages of Christian history. The things that man has done and continues to do in the name of Jesus are obscene. Truly the prophets of death have a face physically and spiritually. Look at the conflicts in Ireland, and Bosnia. The terrible things that happened here in America against the Native American Indians and minorities all in the name of Christianity of progress or nationalism or money is unforgivable. And yet those prophets of death are living in me. It seems that human nature can conjure up all kinds of poisons to destroy each other with. God forgive me and my church for the terrible atrocities we have done to innocent people groups all over the world through the ages on every continent of the world. And sadly to say are still doing even as I am typing this out on my computer. (1995)