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Ploesti 1944
USAAF bombing raid on the refinery

1. Introduction

Oil fields and refinery near Romanian city of Ploesti were one of the most important sources of oil for the Axis war machine throughout the war. No wonder they also quick became top priority targets for USAAF 15th Air Force stationed in North Africa. Numerous bomber missions were launched against Ploesti including infamous "Operation Tidalwave" on August 1st 1943, but due to fierce defense all failed with heavy losses and poor results. In spring 1944 15th AF started another offensive against oil fields. Between April 5th and June 10th American heavy bombers flew 8 massive raids against Ploesti. Once again they encountered stiff defence of heavy flak and Romanian and German fighters. This scenario portrays one of those raids.
(Not all locations and settings are 100% historically acurate but they are not to be discussed. I just wanted this scenario to be simple, playable and entertaining for every pilot taking part.)

2. Order of Battle

Romanian IAR81C's of Grupul 6. Vinatore defending Ploesti preparing to scramble
against incoming enemy bombers.

AXIS ORDER OF BATTLE (35% of pilots): *4 to 6 planes per squadron
**depending on number of players

USAAF ORDER OF BATTLE (65% of pilots):
3. Rules of Engagement

4. Arena Settings

5. Scoring

difference by 5% points or less: draw
difference by 6%-15% points: marginal victory/marginal defeat
difference by 16%-30% points: victory/defeat
difference by 31% or more: decisive victory/crushing defeat

Messerschmitt Me109G-2 of Bulgarian top ace Lt.Stoyan Stoyanov, Sept. 1944. Bulgarian fighters were
usually first to face USAAF formations heading towards Ploesti.

Designed by Stec, idea by Ramzey and Stec, 302 (Polish) sq -Poznanski-