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-- Buttons link

-- Left and right frames are in!

-- More title bars!

-- Message title bar is done - I just have to put it in. Maybe tonight!


















Here you will find a bunch of links to cool sites. Above, the navigational menu will appear and show you the destinations to my website. When I find picture links to cool sites, I'll post 'em here. 100% Andy-Approved...;)
















Saturday, July 10th -

Well, here it is! The new site! I gave up on frames...I can do what I need to do without 'em. I agree with you, it looks empty now, but I should be able to take care of that problem as I figure out what I want to put there (what you see so far is pretty close to my original on-paper layout...that I made last being 3 in the morning this is the child of a 2 minute sketch and 3 hours of hard work). I haven't had time to figure out what EXACTLY I want, and I'm not going to do that right now...again, it's 3 in the morning...night night!



Later I'm going to actually make all the other pages like this, now they are just empty pages with a little bit of writing on them. Actually, I COULD make the buttons actually link to the sites...they ARE there...hey, why not.

Saturday, July 10th pt.2 -

Hey, I made the buttons actually go to the sites. Suprise!


Hey there, welcome to my site. I'm using Dreamweaver with this run, so you'll be right there with me as I try to figure out what the heck is going on. I'm just doing this by ear, and posted here when I feel it is necessary will be various forms of...stuff. Pretty much, this is my home on the net, and I can dump whatever I want into it! Ahhhh, power surge!


All the graphics here are made by me, so I can also do whatever I want with those too. If I do post something that isn't mine, of course I'll give credit where it is due. I gotta veer this away from becoming a disclaimer of some kind...check back often for more updates, as I'm sure there'll be plenty of 'em! Thanks for checking out my site!