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This Is My First Story
By Mike Dorward

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The Lost Necromancer

It was a lovely summers morning in the Village Tark, but there was only one person that stirred, was that one of the farmers tending to his animals? No it was a small boy of about nine years of age, he had just had another one what he called "visions" but his mother called them "Nightmares", He only wished that they were nightmares, but they seemed to intense and most of them had come true, like the time when his father had been out hunting and was attacked by savage beasts and killed him, that had happened almost two years ago.

This nine year old boy was called Spike, he looks like any other nine year old except for a strange marking which ran down the left hand side of his face, which depending on his mood would change pattern, the other children in the village never seemed to get on with spike and would always try and get him into trouble with the other villagers.

Any way this particular vision of spike's had seemed very real to him, and what he saw really scared him, as it showed all the villagers including his friends banishing him from the village, and making his mother an outcast, which would mean that no other village would take her in which would mean that she would be forced to live in the forest with the beasts, so to prevent this disaster he decided to leave the village, and hopefully his mother would be able to stay in the village.

He lay there for a while, this was the biggest decision that spike had to make in his young life, he didnt really want to go as he would be leaving his mother behind, but he knew that he couldn't stay or otherwise his vision would be carried out and cause great greif to his mother, he would like to take her with him but knew that she would never leave the village it was her home, in the end he decided with deep sadness that he had to go.

He hopped out of bed quietly so as not to wake his mother, and wrote her a long note explaining to her all about his vision and why he had to leave, but not too worry as for one day he would return to take care of her.

He crept into his mothers room and propped the letter by her bed and gave her a little kiss and whispered quietly in her ear "I love you mum", he then crept out of his mothers room and headed for the kitchen where he stocked up on a few supplies, then after taking one last look at his house he turned around and headed outwards towards the river.

Once there he found a small boat which looked like it had been carved out especially for him, but then he noticed that it had no oars, so he assumed that either they hadnt made them just yet, or they were just gonna let him drift untill he reached the open sea.

Spike thought about this for a little while and then decided to take the oars of another canoe, he then started to row away from his home village, it better this way he thought and no one would get hurt.

On the third night spike had met the sea where its strong currents went and whisked him away from the island , and the oars went as well, so now he couldn't get back even if he wanted to, so he just layed down in his little canoe starring up at the sky and the bright shiny stars, and thought how his mother was coping with out him.

By the fifth day spike had just about finished what little provisions he had brought with him and found himself getting quite hungry, spike looked over the side of his boat and looked for fish that swam near the surface of the water, he waited and waited but he just couldnt see any fish swimming near the surface, then as the sun started to come up for a brand new day and the sunlight hit the water he could see lots and lots of fish ranging from very small fish to very very large fish indeed, he scooped his hand in the water trying to catch a fish but they just swam away from him with ease, so he had to think of a different tactic he went over to his food bag and found that he had just a few crumbs left so he picked up his bag and sprinkled the crumbs in the water, his plan was to grab a fish as they came up for the food, but the fish just sucked it under water and swam away from him, just as spike was beginning to give up hope his boat hit something solid.

chapter 2