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sHaYbUnNiE's WoNdErLaNd

~aBoUt Me~
My NEW Blog!
*My LiNkS*
~A tRiBuTe~
*My AwArDs*

Greetings! And WELCOME! To my Wonderland! Isn't it.. wonderful? There are oodles and oodles of things to explore.. Not to mention.. I'm not done quite yet! Infact, I don't know that I'll ever be quite done!.. And NO.. this is no soft-porn site... Not so much at all! So get that idea out of your brains straight away!...unless... *scratches head*... There's all kinds of neato-cheato links, I'm slowly adding more and more of my poetry.. the pal's section.. is slowly but surely coming along!.. and last, but definitely NOT the least.. my site is now featuring an AWARD!! Hooray! I couldn't be more proud!.. and many thanks to my dear friend, Greg, for creating that for me! Means alot! I love you all.. FAR more than chicken! Enjoy!

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