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Update: May 31 / 04
Hey I'm feeling optimistic. The car is mine again, and im getting more money from my job due to 16 hours a week. As for the ride, two of the tires are filled with air (not enough time to fill the other ones), and i am still thinking of restoring it. I would buy a newer car, but I dont have enough money. I figure that if I were to buy a car, it would be for nothing less than $5,000, because everything lower than that isn't too amazing, so either keep my car, $800 later have it nice and running.. OH YEAH it runs too my dad and I charged the battery.. or buy a newer car for 5000...because if i were to put the $800 into a different car, it would be in just as brutal shape or worse than the scoupe. Plans for friday: fill up other two tires.
When I opened the car door of the passenger side, I was blown away by the stench and disgusting sight. The floor was covered in a brown pool of reaking water, so I had to use this yellow bucket thing, and I cleaned it out real nice. I also washed and vacuumed the floor mats + trunk.
Nice new background for the site...I want to go for something dark and depressing..this will do for now.
Future plans for site: frames.

Update: April 21 / 04
The car is not mine anymore, I got a job which I get barely any money from, and this website sucks.



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