Loopy Matrix
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Test your Response time!

Click on "Start" first, and wait until the background color changes. As soon as it changes, hit "stop!"... If you get 0.10 seconds or under press the Print Screen button and paste the picture into something like Microsoft Word and then send me the pic at Cause I'm going to create a Reflex Test Hall Of Fame

Online Videos by
Blood soaks the once beautiful ground. In their own, they will drown, surrounded by the disgust. Pounded into dust, clubs shatter bones, swords sever limbs. Berzerkers overwhelm, defenders run in fear, their will be no prisoners today, their will be no mercy, lay waste to them. Wipe them out, kill them, kill them all, their struggel to defend. The attack will never end, surronded by the disgust, pounded into dust.....

by Justin R

<bgsound src="" loop=infinite>