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  ¿-My Life
  ¿-About Her

Where I talk about my life with Samantha...

I got a journal at, I will be using that instead. To get there, click here

July 11th, 2003 12:21a.m.
Today I spoke to Samantha on the phone twice, it was great. I love talking to her so much. I love to hear her voice. We talk about so many things, but never get bored with talking to eachother. Makes me feel really good. I also saw Pirates of The Caribbean today, that movie was really good. Johnny Depp is a damn good actor. When I was watching I thought about how much better it would be if Sam were with me. I think that all the time, not matter what I am doing. My life would be so much better with her. It already is, I cant wait til we can be together in person. Well, I am gonna have Sam call me again. Bye.

July 10th, 2003 12:56a.m.
I just made this site, so I have somewhere to talk about what goes on with me and Sam. Well right now we are having some problems. I broke up with her 8 months ago, but now we want to be back with eachother. But she is seeing this guy she promised she would never hurt. And it fucking sucks because, she wont dump him because of this promise. I know I am stupid for leaving, but I want her back so fucking bad. I havent been able to stop thinking about her, and I dont want to. But, its beginning to hurt. We have been talking now for almost 3 weeks, but she still hasnt split up with this guy. She is gonna move with me next month, and that is when he will probably dump her(I hope to god). Thats the main story, I will continue to talk about things day by day. For right now, I am going to bed.

If you somehow find this site, and want to ask me or comment on something. Email me at

© Erik Piercy 2002