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Research Area

Curriculum Vitae

Sherif Sakr
Sherif Aly Ahmed Sakr

Ph.D. Candidate
University of Konstanz (Germany)

Area(s) of Research:
  • XML and Database Integration 
  • Compiler Construction

Specialized Area(s): Database-supported XML Processing (XPath, XQuery)
and XML-aware Index Structures

Member Since: July 2003

Supervisor (s): Prof. Dr. Marc H. Scholl , Dr. Torsten Grust.


Sherif Sakr received the B.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Information Systems Department, the Faculty of Computers and Information, Cairo University, Egypt, in 2000 and he was ranked as the first of his department. He received the Preparatory Master degree in Information Systems from the same department in 2001 and he also was ranked as the first of his department. He received his Master degree from the same department in march  2003. Currently he is working on his Ph.D. at the department of Database and Information Systems , Konstanz University.

From August 2000 to March 2003, he has been with the Information Systems DepartmentFaculty of Computers and Information, Cairo University, as a teaching assistant. He has been on leave from his home university since then for studying in Germany towards his Ph.D. degree. During this period, he has worked as an assistant in teaching the following courses: Database Principles (1), Database Principles (2), Distributed Database Systems and Multimedia Information Systems.

In March 2003 he received his Master degree in Information Systems from Information Systems Department, the Faculty of Computers and Information, Cairo University. The title of his thesis was "Towards web Database". The thesis was supervised by Prof.Mokhtar Boshra and Prof.Awad HasabAllah Khalil. The main topic of the thesis was the interoperability between XML and Relational Database and the main contribution of the thesis was introducing an enhanced approach for converting existing relational data to XML data using the available metadata with the relational system and using XML schema for modeling the XML document structure

His current research interest is in Database-supported XML Processing. He focuses on the mappings between XML and Relational Database. During his master's he worked on effective publishing of relational data to XML document. His plan for the Ph.D. is to continue along the same line of research. However, the focus will be shifted to encoding XML documents on relational databases and mapping XQuery queries over the XML documents to SQL queries over the relational databases.

Phone:  +49 01727764278

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Last updated on: September 16, 2003 © 2003 XQuery Research Group
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