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Frame Grabs
All the frame grabs in this section will feature in RSK2.
Video Clips

A few clips, short tasters of what to expect on the dvd.

Photos & James Suttons Photo's

Some photographs that will appear in the bonus features slide shows.

And now added, 5 galleries of James Suttons photo's from France, Oz, Indo and Wales, watch out for guest appearences from Spencer Skipper, Jeff Hubbard and Tom Case.

And here's a couple of random images , somehow to do with bodyboarding

RSK2 Coming Soon

RSK2 Front Cover

RSK2 Back Cover

The Cover

Latest Site Updates
Submission Page

The Submissions page allows you to e-mail your pictures directly to the page, where they will be displayed for the world to see. You can send messages and pictures from any e-mail enabled device, such as a picture phone.


Submit Instantly
If you've got pictures or a message you'd like to see on the submissions page, e-mail here and attach the file, the subject of the e-mail will be the title of the message.


RSK online

British Bodyboarding DVD soon to be released

The work is nearly finished on the Ready Steady Kook Two DVD, hopefully available soon worldwide via e-bay.

Sections that will be appearing:

Ben Poole profile, Ben Pascoe profile, James Preselo profile, Britain, France, Australia, James Sutton/Mitch Holmes/Stu Thomas/Chris Fletcher split, George Heron/Steve Brown/Nick Rees split.

Possible Sections:

Build your own water housing, Ireland, better driving, Wales, new moves, film like Stoker, no furriends, claim academy, you've been claimed.

Special Features:

Drunken commentary, 2nd audio track for all sections, slide shows from all the trips featured, parent proof hidden clowning about section.

More details on the release date and where to get a copy will be posted soon.

RSK is created by Ben Pascoe.

Upload Your own Material Quickly and Easily

When I look at a bodyboarding web-site I normally look at some of the pictures and videos, then only go back if it has an active guestbook (like had before it went bust)or is updated regularly (, or both ( Whats needed is some way to update the site regularly without having to go out and collect loads of pictures/footage. So...

If all goes well, the submission page section of the website should allow anyone who has something relating to UK bodyboarding they would like to see on the internet to upload it easily and quickly. This way the pictures will hopefully be updated regularly, and anyone can put up feedback on them.