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Al Qaeda Host Camel Wash to Boost Funds
SHABWA, Yemen -- Officials have recently confirmed that Al Qaeda terrorist have secretly been running a camel wash to raise thier recently low funds.

The camel wash is run by a team of 10 to 15 Al Qaeda, who hand-wash and towel-dry close to 50 of the animals per day.
A CIA operative who poses as a regular customer explains, "It's no secret that the 'War On Terror' has left Al Qaeda financially crippled, but what they are doing here is downright pathetic," says the agent, who spoke under condition of anonymity.
"They're out there scrubbing away like a high school cheerleading squad. They even have soap and water fights from time to time." an anynomous CIA official stated.
Of course, after the U.S. government has a few of their camels washed, they will be shutting this operation down.The washers will be arrested and severly beaten.

Life of Timmy Van Winkle: Week One

Having a Mohawk was really cool. At first I felt silly, but after a couple days, I got quite used to it and actually embraced it. I liked being the "Mohawk Guy."
Yesterday, one 8th grader even noticed me. I got to sit at the cool kids table. Jim threw his sandwhich at me, but it was all in good fun. Then we spent 30 minutes making fun of my braces. I had so much fun. I am so happy to be making all of these new friends. Wow, I should have worn a mohawk earlier.