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Robin Hood: Truth or Disney Legend


When you are at this site, you may browse around as you wish. However, you must answer the following questions by the end of the class/week by writing the answers in the guestbook:
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1. Why is the Sheriff of Notinghamshire so passionate about arresting Robin Hood? 2. Who does Dr. William Stukeley believe Robin Hood really was? 3. What is the estimated weight, girth, length of branches, and age of the Major Oak in Sherwood Forest? 4. To whom did Robin Hood say, "God save the king, And all that wish him well; He that does deny his sovereignty, I wish he was in hell," in the Children's Ballad, "The King's Disquise, and Friendship with Robin Hood"? 5. When, and who, made the first reference to Robin Hood? 6. Who in the Merry Men is Robin related to, and how are they related to him? 7. Maid Marian and Robin allegedly were married in a church in England. What is the name of the church and what is the town where it is located called? 8. What church is it that is said to be the final resting place of Robin Hood? 9. Who is Allen-a-dale, and what is his purpose in the Disney version of "Robin Hood"? 10. Where was the popular TV show, "The Adventures of Robin Hood(1955-58)" filmed? Happy Hunting! **Excellent Site**

Sites To Visit...

Howard Pyle's Tales of Robin Hood
World Wide Robin Hood Society
Nottinghamshire Official Website
The Robin Hood Pages
** Robin Hood: Bold Outlaw of Barnsdale and Sherwood **
Robin Hood Poem
The Adventures of Robin Hood - TV Show
Robin Hood and His Adventures - Paul Creswick
Robin Hood, Friend of Liberty - Article by Adam Young
Analysis of Current and Past Tellings of Robin Hood - Erica Brandl