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In the last couple of days there have been many disgusting and horrible statements made by the worldwide media about the King of Pop Michael Jackson. He is accused of sexually molesting a 12 year old boy and that's why he was arrested on Thursday. The charges came all of the sudden, noone expected them, least of all Michael himself. As soon as the Santa Barbara police informed the media about the charges they went completely nuts!!! All the TV channels in the world were covered with this story and many reporters felt the need to express their own opinions about Michael, even though they don't know him at all and they also don't have a clue about the whole case. I think all the people who are not involved in this investigation should just back off and let the truth come out by itself. There is no need for speculating, judging Michael and saying he is a pedophile! Just imagine how you would feel if you'd be Michael and everyone would judge you like this. Just cause he is famous it doesn't mean this court case is everyone's business. There is a difference between media just reporting about the whole matter or talking about it, like they would know it all! This is a big injustice and a horrible plot that has been planned against Michael for many years now. It is obvious that the distric attorney Tom Sneddon is having lots of fun now, since he hated Michael for many years already. The DA has been acting completely unproffesional at the official press conference where he should just tell the press what the accusations are. Everyone saw how a Mad Dog Tom laughed about Michael being charged and he also made some horrible comments on Michael's music. This is all a personal revenge of Tom Sneddon towards Michael and noone is denying it! I have been Michael Jackson's fan for many years now and throughout these years I had the honor and pleasure of meeting him many times. He is such a good man, so kind and respective towards all the people who confront him. I've seen many of Michael's interviews and through all the years of being his fan I have seen whatta loving person he is. Everyone who was following his career and personal life knows as well that he could never ever even think of harming a child! People should think more about how they treat him because he is not a criminal and he surely is not a horrible person! He did more for this world than any other person and just cause he has a different lifestyle he is being judged by the world. Everyone just judges him by his appearance and is against him now just because he had some plastic surgery. People are being really narrow minded about this and completely ignorant and I can't understand why the world turned out so cruel and mean towards the people who only want to do good things. Michael is totally outraged and angry about the horrible injustice that is happening to him one more time just as his new album came out! This whole thing is a plot to destroy his career and it's very obvious to all of us because the same day that Michael's new album came out they made this charges! It couldn't have been planned any better to destroy the sales of his amazing work! The new album of Michael Jackson is called Number Ones and it contains many of his most awesome hits and also a brand new song called ONE MORE CHANCE!

The album itself is a master-piece, and it's already classed on number one position throughout the world. Michael's music is so amazing that it makes me speechless everytime I hear it. The songs are classics and you just can't ignore or deny that. The new album came out on four different covers, each of them has it's own Michael era (Off the Wall,Thriller, Bad and Dangerous). The covers for the album have been designed very professionally and the collectors of Michael's items are getting all of them at the same time. There would really be a shame not to have this new album of Michael, as such music comes once in a lifetime! There is no better singer and composer than Michael Jackson and everyone should keep that in mind these days when the plot is set to hurt him. We should all think about what Michael has done for the music business and how he influenced all these new artists that come out with all kinds of music all the time. Everyone was - at least in some way - inspired by Michael Jackson and that makes him a superstar musical genius! That's all what I wanted to tell you today, please keep in mind that all what Michael did in his life was shown goodness, generosity, kindness and love for the people of all races and nationalities around the world! He has saved people's lifes, he helped to make the world a better place and is known as the biggest humanitarian of all times. Michael says he is inspired by children to write such an incredible music and is now compensating for the childhood he never had, so he loves to spend lots of time with children. If that's a crime then I don't get this world anymore… It just doesn't make any sense!!!

By Tanja Kovac, Slovenia

If you want to know the TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH about Michael Jackson's court case, please visit his personal - official web page, where HE will give you all the latest news!