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No Other Name Known




Power Pool:
Super Leap


7 feet

350 Lbs



The Immovable Object

Origin of a Hero

Ramplate was born to a prominent family on the planet Animalia, in the very midst of Raman territorial war with the Elkmen.
Trained from youth to stand strong against all adversaries, and defend the Yrach Mountain range from all incursions, Ramplate excelled in his physical studies. Growing to great strength and toughness due to that and the harsh environment the Raman Clan held, he’d fought with bravery so great he was awarded the Triple Cluster. But, eventually he’d had enough of that ceaseless activity and the petty bickering among the elders, and left his father, mother and younger brother in the mountains in search of the more peaceful races of the planet.
He’d found peace far away in the community of Ape, for there, he was welcomed with open arms and given the formal education he could have never had at home. Although he was not considered the brightest banana in the bunch, he worked very hard to really understand the world around him - They taught him of the ecology, stars, and the planets, and he began to wonder what else was out there.
One day, while out harvesting food, he heard familiar voices – his clan was looking for him. It was not good from what he’d heard. They wanted him to come back to help in overthrowing the Council of Elders – an ill advised action he knew the disorganized group would never give up. Not wanting to even entertain such an awful endeavor, he quickly circled back to the ape land, being careful not to be followed. He realized he could not stay there and put the peaceful Apes at risk, so after a quick explanation to them, he was assigned a small spaceship and left the planet behind.

After some time he found what his sensors described as an inhabited planet and decided to set down – and set down he did! He lost control of his ship upon entry and crashed hard. He was amazed to find he was still alive – he’d crashed hard enough to be killed, or so he’d thought. Climbing out of the wreck, and finding his legs stuck, he ripped through the console like it was cardboard. He could not have done that at home so easily, and began to wonder what kind of world he’d come to.
He’d been able to perform great feats at home but nothing to compare to this, and certainly no more than some of the other fit beings of his race could do. He then tried to bend the metal casing of the ship to see if he could, he obviously would not be able to travel anywhere else in the vessel. It bent back rather stiffly, but bend it did… then, he felt ill. At a loss to figure out why he’d felt suddenly ill he backed up…into something, or rather, someone.
An old man in a business suit stood behind him, slanted eyes, old and frail looking, this odd looking hairless ape did not budge when backed into. It started to speak an unusual language not known to Ramplate, and then waved his hand and Ramplate understood the words.
“I am Hikawa, Pleasure to meet you at last, Ramplate.” He knew his name already? “This is Earth, and here you are destined for great things. The outside world is not quite ready for you, or more accurately, you are not quite ready for the outside world”