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Athri of Syrcastle: (open)

Garrison of 700 troops

The captial of Kithkadrien, held by Cecil in open pledge. Situated very close to Isel Castle, This traditional castle had one serious gate, shod in steel and lovingly crafted. Part City and part Castle, it controled a wide swathe of river and fertile lands. The moat was full of frothing water that rushed in and out of the river, looking no more like a giant spiral around spiraling towers and guardhouses.

( A place full of mischief and war. Prepare to fight for it )


Athri of Tuath Castle: (open)

Garrison of 500 troops

An iceshod Castle that was built for defense... and defense only. Comforts were rare yet appreciated, the Large Castle Guarding the river's sweep into the sea, twinning Castle Remagev, both facing each other, a mere fifteen miles apart, both identical and towering over the water with eiry glows to setting and rising suns.

( Naval battle... castle is easily supportable from its twin in the south )


Athri of Remagev Castle: (open)

Garrison of 500 troops

Warmer and yet more foreboding then its twin castle in the north, it was due to a tragic curse upon any Lord who sits the thrown. Blackened Towers turned crystalline with the days approach, often turning shadowy during nightfall.

( play with it! Very fun to play something interesting )