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Well i thought it was about time i got us a better site so ive sat down and came out with this i hope you guys like it bcos i do ..
Date: Saturday August 30th

Ok our first practice session:

Date: Moday 1st of September

Time: 8GMT

All union members/Council must be there .. unless you have spoken to kazom about it .. those of you on trial will also be expected to show up this is were your training will take place GL .. cya there lads.

Date: Saturday August 30th

runch made it off trial and is now apart of the council.

Cujo decided not to retire so is now back with the council.

Kodiak made it off trial First night he is now a Member.

Riot made it off trial First night he is now a Member.

Also we played our first scrim vs Hoodz owned every map won 3-0-0 GG.

Date: Thursday August 28th

We have 2ppl on Trail with us..

Semtex: Kazom is training him up.

exile ex ^POH a very good sawer .. need to see him play abit more.

Both are away on Holiday ATM look out for them when they get back..

Date: Tuesday August 26th
Well i thought it was about time i got us a better site so ive sat down and came out with this i hope you guys like it bcos i do ..
Date: Friday August 15th



