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Tommorow brings the Battle royal
.:Pit's rp:.

.: Pitbul :.





Number of Rps for event: 3

Title(s): International Title

Opponent(s): Pricilla

Match Type: 1 v. 1, Master of the mat

people mentiioned:Dax, A.O.V, and pricilla

New international title

{.:*~Opening Scene*~:.}

{The scene opens back up to show one of the HwA wrestlers leaving the ring that from an announcement to the other wrestles, fans, and e rest of the world. The scene the shoot to the parking lot. A limo comes screaching into the parking lot. It stops right in front of the door. The door quickly opens and Pitbuls friend jumps out. He runs up to the door. The door man stops him at the door for not having his I.D with him. Pitbuls freind is freaking because there is only 1 hour until Pitbuls match. Finally, the door man calls Pitbuls locker room and gets confirmation to let him in. Pitbuls freind enters the arena and runs as through the hall to Pitbuls lcoker room. He opens the door and then walks in. Pitbul, eager to receive the stuff, starts to talk)

Pitbul- Did you get it?

Freind- Hold on a second,let me catch my breath.

( His freind starts to bend over to try and catch his breath. Pitbul gets mad and rushes over to him)

Pitbul- I don't care if you just ran a marathon, give me my stuff.

Freind- Alright, aright, here it is.

(Unaware of the camera, his friend reaches in the bag and pulls out a medical shot and and a glass bottle that contains a liquid pain killer)

Pitbul- Yeeeah! Now this is the shit! alright, lets go, give it to me.

(Pitbul hands the needle back to his freind carefully. His freind then grabs the shot and the liquids. He slowly turns the bottle cap off. He securly puts the shot in his left hand and dips it into the liquid. He pulls back on the top, allowing the liquids to enter the needle. Pitbuls freind then throws down the bottle. He tells Pitbul to stick his arm out. He is about to inject the pain killers into his arm when Pitbul relizes the camera is in the room. He gets nervous, starts to yell at the camerman, and then starts to get him out)

Pitbul- What the hell? What are you doing in here? This is private!

( Pitbul thens pushes the cameraman out of the locker. The door slams and the scene goes to a commercial)


( When the broadcast comes back from the commercial it shows Pitbul and the same guy yelling at each other in there room)

Pitbul- What the hell were you doing bringing the camera in here like that?! This could cost me match! All I asked for was for you to go out there and get the pain killers so I could kick that bitch Pricillas ass tonight. But nooo, you had to go out and get a god damn camera to get it on tape!

Friend- Man, I'm so sorry, I had no clue. i didn't even look behind me to see if she was there. Honest, I would never mean to get you in trouble like that man, you know that.

Pitbul- Bullshit, you could make me loose my shot at winning the world title! Now get the hell out of my sight, I never want to see you again.

(QWith that said, Pitbul shoves the guy out of his locker. He then slams the door in his face. He goes back into the room and starts to nervously pace. He goes to sit down on his couch. He brings his hands up to his temples and starts to rub. After a couple of seconds, he gets back up off of the couch and heads over to his bag on the table. He starts to look through it and pulls out his usual tape. He picks up the roll and carries it back over to the couch. He sits down and slowly starts to tape his hands. Then he hears a knock at the door. he gets up and starts to head over there. He opens the door and there is the head referee standing there)

Head Ref- Sir, we need to come in here and inspect your room for any illegal drugs that you might have used to enhance your fighting abilitys.

Pitbul- Whatever, come in.

(Pitbul lets the Ref come in. The ref starts to go through all of his personal items. After about a minute of searching, he looks in the trash can. He pulls out the pain killer bottle and the needle)

Head Ref- Sir, are these, or are they not yours?

Pitbul- Yes they are, but I haven't used them.

Head Ref- Well, we will need you to come down to the training area and have our docters inspect you.

( The ref forces Pitbul to go with him to the training room. They start to make there wya through the halls as people look at them and wonder what is going on. They finally reach the training room and walk in. The ref then closes the door on the camera man and they go to a commercial)


(The scene opens back up to show Pitbul, a docter, and the ref standing in the training room)

Docter- After running the tests, we have concluded that Pitbul does not contain any chemical liquids in his body that would enhance his performance. You are free to go.

(Pitbul then leaves the training room in disguist without saying anything. He then reaches his locker room and goes in. He then goes back to the couch and starts wrapping his hands. A moment later, somebody shows up at his door and knocks)

Pitbul- What now.

(Pitbul gets up and answers the door again. He opens the door, and to his suprise, there is a reporter standing there)

Reporter- May we please have a word with you before you head out to the ring?

Pitbul- Well my night has already been hecktic, some O.K.

Reporter- first off, how does it feel to be accused of using pain killers for a match?

Pitbul- How do you think? Do you think I liked it? Having to be pulled away from your pre-match routine to get tested for drugs?

Reporter- Umm... i would know I don't wrestle... But, since it seems that you are very comfortable talking about that subject, we will move onto something else. Your opponent tonight, Pricilla, how do you think she fairs against you tonight?

Pitbul- Are you kidding me? That isan't even a fair question. But I got one word for you, woman. Shes a god damn woman. And I feel like I am getting a lack of respect from the league when this happens. But, she is my opponent so I will fight.

Reporter- Well, let me ask this... Do you think that she will even get 1 shot on you tonight?

Pitbul- If she does, it will be because i let her. And I don't let people get free shots against me, so the answer is no. I will come out from behind those curtains and be focused from the minute that that bell rings. I came out here after my match with daX and tried to go a little easy, tried not to get into the whole kicking ass thing, but she brought it up, so I am just following. She said she talks a lot of trash, So I just came out here and talked even more. It's just mind games. You see, she can come out here thinknig whatever she wants, but it won't help her. She is facing someone that is a whole foot taller than her. Someone that is more phsiclly fit than her. She is in over her head. She thinks that she can back up her talk, but she hasn't faced a real opponent yet. Pricilla thinks that she can back it up and I can't?

(as Pitbul said that his music starts to play)

Pitbul-Well, just watch our match ut there and the who is really talking the B.S.

(Pitbul leaves and heads towards the curtains, leaving the reporer standing there with mic still up. The scene then shoots out to the runway as the announcers start to talk)

{.:*~End of Promo~*:.>