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Thank you for visiting Pray For Our Warriors, dedicated to our men and women in the armed forces and in memory of those who have both given and lost their lives for this great land we are blessed to live in.  It is hosted by Missionary Baptist people and will have our churches and their members posted.  However, it is not solely for Missionary Baptist.  We want to band together to pray for our troops, their families and the Commander in Chief.  We do believe in GOD, the power of prayer and you will see GOD all over these pages.  If this offends you, we will not apologize. We will however, pray for you. This site is under construction and will be taking shape over the next month or so.  If you have any suggestions, ideas, comments, names and addresses, etc. you would like posted, please let us know.  Please visit often and monitor our progress.  Also, while waiting for our progress, please visit the links below and always remember to pray for our military.  Even if you are against this war, we are in it and our men and women deserve nothing less than to have their country behind them.  Please don't let your protest against the war stand in front of supporting your troops.  Remember, if it weren't for them, you might not have the GOD GIVEN privilege of speaking your mind in public.

Now Under Construction....50 STATES.  Choose a state and look for friends, loved ones or just a wonderful stranger who stands in need of prayer.  Please come back often and if there is someone you desire to have added to the list, please email the information.


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The graphics and backgrounds on this site have come from different places on the web.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank those talented people for offering their art for use.  As more are used, we will add the links.

Wendy's Backgrounds

Angel's Graphics

Griffin Web Art




Click Here To Visit -- The Presidential Prayer Team




Copyright 2003