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Dedicated to Fates Messenger

This is dedicated to our leader and friend Fates Messenger. Our story told for the first time as told by OutLaw#23. Where to begin? It was so long ago since any of us laid eyes on that name, the name with a person behind it who was willing to do whatever it took to make the CCF (Championship Cyber Fighting) fall. I guess all I can do is start from the beginning. When the CCF first came into existance its leaders were 2 people known only as NightStalker and BadBoy. The CCF was THE super power in cyber fighting and no one dared stand in their way.....All but one person, his name was Fates Messenger. Little is known of his past fighting experiance even to us other then the fact he was rejected by the CCF after a new leader took over the CCF.....Rave....that was the name of the fighter that rejected all of us once he took control of the CCF. "You dont have what it takes to be in CCF anymore." Yes, we were all former members of the CCF during NightStalker and BadBoys rule. Fate was never part of the CCF, rather he wanted to join them, but Rave would not allow it. At the time Fate was considered a Newbie to fighting but none of us even knew the truth about his past. After Rave had cast us all out we had no where to turn to. I remember the first time I saw Fate in the GS chat. He was protesting the CCF's rule and how it was unfair. About how he had a dream that someday the CCF would fall by his hand because they had rejected him....They had rejected all of us, we all had a common interest, the downfall of the CCF. A powerful speaker, Fate never had a doubt in his mind that he could stop Rave in his quest for complete control of all fighters. The one thing he use to tell all of us.. It is something I will never forget...."Never let anyone tell you that you cant do something because you dont have what it takes. By proving them wrong you will never lose their respect." "You dont have what it takes." The words spoken by Rave when Fate wanted to be part of the CCF. We all agreed with Fate, we all wanted the CCF to fall after what Rave had done to us. He had a plan, its name was "Fates OutLaws" Fates OutLaws consisted entierly of former CCF fighters that had been cast out of the CCF by Rave after he took over. Fate although stubbon at times was not stupid, he had made a forum using forumco's message board service and slapped a banner on it that said "Fates OutLaws" Unknown to even it's own members however this was not the real board. It was merely a dummy board known to the whole CCF. Rave was rather ignorant as well, he was not able to see through the completely false information that Fate had put all over the forum in an attempt to throw the CCF off track. It worked. Our real board was an Ikon based forum that the CCF had no idea about. Thats where we discussed our plans to destroy the CCF. Skipping ahead a bit now. The only person Fate ever found to be a threat in the CCF was a fighter called Vampyre, or Vamp for short. Fate had several confrontations with Vampyre in the GS chat. He was the only one that Fate admitted he was worried about in our quest to destroy the CCF as this Vampyre fighter posed an incredible threat as his skills and speed were unmatched. This Vampyre had no equal, we all knew that we couldnt win against a fighter like him. But Fate reminded us again and again what we were fighting for, and we never lost hope completely. Sworn enemies Fate and Vampyre never actually fought, Fate knew he could never stand against someone like Vampyre, so we focused on Rave and all the other fighters of the CCF. Fate would have to fight him eventually however, but as far as we know, it never happened. None of us know where this Vampyre is now or even if he still exists. Skipping ahead again. We had a contact at the CCF, a spy if you will. He told us about how Rave was getting freaked out because the known number of OutLaws to the CCF was growing in number. Rave never had any idea who we really were either. But we never forgot what he did to us. Rave had took a drastic measure that none of us ever saw coming. He stated that a fighter called Blood Falcon would be fighting Fate at the next tournament. The winner would gain control of us, we would become property of the CCF if Fate lost. We wont lie, some of us wanted Fate to lose because if he did we would be part of the CCF once again. But we reminded each other how far we had come because of a single dream that Fate had. In my opinion we would never have been considered a threat to the CCf if it wasnt for Fate, we never would have come as far as we did. We all cheered Fate on, we were sure he could win. He wasnt able to make it to the tournament however so the fight was cancled until a later date. We all waited till we could see ourselves take the next step to victory. Skipping ahead a few weeks after that. It was after I had gotten out of school I got an E-mail from one of the guys. Fate had lost the battle with Blood Falcon and we were now property of the CCF....None of us could believe it, we didnt want to believe it..... Fate said his goodbyes to us later that day in the GS chat..."It's out of my hands guys, I failed you......I'm sorry....Someday though the CCF will fall...Thats all I have ever wanted...all we ever wanted....Goodbye everyone." That was the last thing I remember him saying before he left the chat that day..... We had lost everything we had worked for and we wouldnt accept it. We all disbanded after that. Even after everything that had happened we wouldnt let ourselves fall pray to Raves rule. None of us have seen Fate since that day in the GS chat, when he said his final goodbyes to us. We dont know if he even exists anymore. We have recived word that the CCF has finally fallen....It is what Fate wanted all along...It was finally done, the CCF was no more. We dont know if he had anything to do with it, but we know that his memory will live on in us all as the lone fighter that dared to stand against the iron fist of the CCF. Fate...Thank you...Where ever you are....