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Monday, 9 February 2004
I have discovered a new host that offers better blogging options. You can visit me there at This link. Thanks!

Posted by hero/oust at 5:15 PM EST
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Sunday, 8 February 2004
Gusgen Mines & RSE
Today I got my quest for my RSE (Racial specific equipment). Basically the object of the quest is to bring a friendly goblin in lower Jeuno a magical pattern. Each Vanadiel week (7 hours) a gender of a race is assigned a cave in which they must hunt a key from the dungeon and open the treasure chest there. Only during that window of 7 hours are you able to get a magical pattern. Of course I was still too weak to be able to take this on myself so several members of my Linkshell offered to help. For this I must thank Kaitlyn, Jolibee, Psychoticdream, Kitsumi, Eunhye, and finally Minnie who was not of my linkshell but a friend of Psychoticdream who offered to help.

First in preperation of my upcoming quest Kitsumi offered to get me the key to Gusgen mines. This took about an hour or so, which drops off various monsters in the dungeon. Being a level 53 dragoon she made short work of the monsters! I was impressed!

After obtaining the key since it wasn't my time yet to open a chest we headed out the cave. Unfortunately the doorway to the exit was sealed! Thank god after about 15 minutes of waiting someone opened it!

The next day when my 7 hours started Jolibee, Kaitlyn, Psychoticdream came with me to help me find a chest to fit my key into and receive my pattern! This took about an hour as well, but eventually found it! After receiving the pattern I headed back to Jeuno and exchanged it for part of the RSE.

Afterwards I needed to go back to Gusgen to receive another pattern. This time Eunhye joined me, as well as Psychoticdream, and a friend of his Minnie. About 15 minutes into it we received a key and just needed to find a chest. It took a while but eventually found one. So I opened it and inside received a..... Minnie?!

Hehehe, what a humerous gift. But the real accomplishment was getting my 2nd pattern. After giving my thanks to those who offered to help I went back to Jeuno and got my 2nd piece of RSE.

I was done with Gusgen and had no desire to go back a 3rd or 4th time, so instead I bought the last 2 pieces of my RSE. I figure that I can get those 2 pieces some other time and sell them back. So now, in all it's glory me modeling my 'kawaii' RSE gear!

Posted by hero/oust at 9:09 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 8 February 2004 9:09 PM EST
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Saturday, 7 February 2004
Moogle Vacation
A while back my moogle asked for a vacation, and needed a couple items to bring back to his family for the holidays. At the time I was unable to. But now I had enough money to buy and give him the items. He seemed very pleased! I was pleasantly surprised at his mention of him bringing back a gift for myself! Although I wish he'd stop calling me master! Erg!

Posted by hero/oust at 8:45 PM EST
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Garlaige Citadel
Pardon my neglect in not updating yesterday. I planned on updating before midnight but time flies when you are having fun!Well anyways tonight Ceri & I found a party in Garlaige Citadel. This place was a bit new to me as I've only grouped here once before.

Inside the citadel dwells dangerous monsters so we stuck close to the entrance pulling siege bats. These probably being the weakest monsters in the dungeon still provided much aa challenge to our party of 6! I went from level 32 to 33 and learned a new weapon skill "Viper Bite". Comboing that skill with Sneak Attack and Trick attack proved a deadly 350-400 damage!!!!
I also must note that many people don't think at character creation that the size of the character you choose does not matter. Well infact it does! Here is Masago & I standing side by side and as you can see he is noticeably taller! But don't worry I wasn't intimidated by his tall stature in the slightest.

Posted by hero/oust at 3:07 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 7 February 2004 3:09 AM EST
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Thursday, 5 February 2004
Proving my Knighthood
In order to prove my Knighthood (become a paladin) I had to undertake 3 seperate tasks. The first, which was actually really easy was handing in a Revival Root to Balasiel. With that done I have two tasks left.

I headed to Balasiel to undertake my second task. This one was a bit more difficult, as one would expect. He told me to visit Ordelle's caves and retrieve a Stalactite dew. A couple members, and good friends I might add, from the Linkshell I belong to (TheReturners) came along as well!

After we got together we hopped on chocobos and headed through West Ronfaure then through La Theine Plateau into Ordelle's caves. Once inside it branched out into two routes a west and east route. We took the West route and followed that, pretty straight forward. After a while we came to another area where it branches out, but we stuck to the west and headed into an area with a pond and Shriekers, which are Funguar-like monsters. In order to obtain the stalactite dew we had to quickly dip our hands in a pond then quickly examine a spot in the cave. Upon examining this spot we retrieved the Stalactite dew.

Once getting the dew we headed back to San D'oria and talked with Balasiel. He accepted our dew. Then he gave us our third task. This was was by far the hardest, and thank god Alcueid came along, being a level 60 Red mage allowed this to be a much easier quest.
Well anyway, Balasiel gave us a task to solve a riddle in a book he gave us. Which ultimately led us to Davoi, an orc stronghold. We had to sneak pass many orc. After a while we found a well which we had to examine. It was guarded by a fierce jelly-like monster. Since Alcueid was the highest in our 3-person party she examined the well first and then promptly attacked the monster. This allowed Diou and I to examine the well in safety. Upon examination we received a Knight's Soul. We then headed back to good ol' San D'oria.

Balasiel accepted our Knight's Soul and initiated us as paladins. Not only was this a great accomplishment, it was the final advance job for me to unlock. Now to just wait until Square-enix implements more jobs!

Posted by hero/oust at 10:02 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 5 February 2004 10:03 PM EST
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Bandwith issues
I'm having bandwith issues with the site. ;_; I'm in the process of purchasing additional bandwith for the site. Please bare with me thanks!

Update: I got a host dedicated to the images on the site. I transferred all the images originally on the angelfire server to this new server. I pray that this holds out.

Posted by hero/oust at 12:27 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 5 February 2004 3:47 AM EST
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Wednesday, 4 February 2004
The Ram hunting Woodworker!
Or the Woodworking Ram hunter; take your pick. Today I did some logging at Ghelsba outpost and refined those logs into lumber via synthesis. The whole process lasted about a couple hours. After running out of hatchets a couple of times I had to run back to San D'Oria. Had trouble getting a reasonable price on more hatchets due to some dude wanting more then 5.8k (goes for 5k normally) for 12 hatchets. I didn't want to give anyone the satisfaction of ripping someone off so I went to an NPC and bought 12 for 490G each. Which comes out to 5880G; probably would have spent the same, if not more anyways.

I also must note a nice japanese player who didn't speak english traded me an Ash log. That may not seem like much but refining that very ash log rose my Woodworking skill to level 8. Which allowed me to take an exam which raised my Woodworking rank to Recruit.

As you can see there I am using a Wind crystal to refine a log into lumber. Which can stack 12 per inventory spot.

After that, I helped a friend needing some help getting money for spells. So we both headed to La Theine Plateau and camped Battering Rams. They drop some decent loot; ram horns, and ram skins. The end total was 33 ram skins and 8 horns. The market value for all of that is around 23000G-25000G. Being the nice person that I am I let her keep all the drops. So that should keep her set on spells for, at least, a little while.

Posted by hero/oust at 10:32 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 5 February 2004 3:40 AM EST
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Chocobo Innards
Ever wonder what a chocobo was made out of? Maybe marshmellows? That's what I thought until I saw this disturbing image. The truth is staggering to say the least...They're hollow!!!!!! That's right, they're made out of air! Why, lord, why?

Posted by hero/oust at 9:59 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 5 February 2004 3:39 AM EST
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Tuesday, 3 February 2004
Partying as Black mage - Valkurm
A couple good friends of mine since my very first few days of FFXI invited me into a party in Valkurm as my black mage. Being only level 11 was a big change from being level 32 thief.

It was a pretty great group about half English and half Japanese, but it worked out really well! Unfortunately we had a casualty, but luckily a high level Dark Knight with White mage subbed was able to raise.

Posted by hero/oust at 12:27 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 5 February 2004 3:38 AM EST
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Gobby Bag #2
As a result of the previous entry, upon reaching to Jeuno I had enough fame for Gobby bag #2. I headed to Bluffnix, one of the very few friendly goblins and again he asked me to bring him four items:

After handing the items he increased my inventory pack size by 5 slots! The whole lot cost me about 25,000G but it was worth it.

Posted by hero/oust at 12:20 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 5 February 2004 3:37 AM EST
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