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O ski Strikes Back

Wow.....ummm, so its been a really really REALLY long time since I've updated this page. I'm sorry about that. Well, I'm kinda sorry....but in a way it makes me happy, cos that means that I have a life and I don't have time to just sit around and update my stoopid webpage. If there are any type-o's in this little monolog of mine I apologize, for some reason, (that probably the beer I've been drinking could explain) I can't seem to be able to type very well right now. Anyways, things have been going pretty well in casa de O ski...thats the "house of O ski" for those of you who didn't take spanish in high school. Anyways, unlike other times when there is really nothing new to report, I actually have some news. I am packing up and heading back to Lufkin at the end of the month. I know what you're thinking, "O ski, what the hell are you doing, you always talk about how much you hate that place, and its so backwoods and backwards thinking. Are you crazy??" Well, maybe I am crazy!!! (then again, was there ever any doubt?) I just figured I've had enuff of College Station. I'm stuck in a dead end job, still haven't graduated (keep the laughing to a minimum) and I'm just getting tired of it here. I think I've learned all that I can in this God forsaken town and I'm ready to move on. "Move on, in Lufkin?" you might be asking. Well, its a step in the right direction. Okay, maybe not the "right" direction, but its a direction. I'll be moving in with Havard....somewhere. Don't have an apartment just yet, but I garuntee you we'll have on hell of a bacholor pad. I also got a pretty cush job there. I'll be working at a Best Buy that will be opening at the end of February as a computer tech. So yeah, the day has come that I never thought would come. I'm moving back to the bible beating town of Lufkin. But not without purpose. Havard and I decided that our mission after I move back there is to change Lufkin from a dry county into a wet one. That means no more driving 20 minutes just to pick up a sixpack. I don't nkow how well that will go over. I think the large Baptist community (which includes my parents) might have some objections to the selling of alcohol within county lines. But we'll see what happens. I have some friends in high places in that town. Well, mainly Havard who is Sports Editor at the paper. But surely there are enuff drunks in Lufkin that will give me support. Well anyways, I wanted to appologize for the above pic. I know its no where near one of my best. Infact, I almost didn't post it. This is me, Handy, and his wife Sierra after a long LONG nite of drin.....well, lets just say there was some alcohol involved. And by some I mean A LOT!! I was the nite that A&M got there asses handed to them buy Texas, so we had plenty of reason to drink. Anyways, I guess I'll update this page again sometime, but remember I will be moving sometime soon, so don't get pissed if its not updated for a while.

UNDER CONSTRUCTION.....UNDER CONSTRUCTION.....UNDER CONSTRUCTION....UNDER CONSTRUCTION.....Don't you love how if you say the same word over and over again it loses all meaning and you are like, "damn thats a funny word, why the hell did we call it that." Anyways, I'll probably never take that damn sign down, cos like me, my webpage is a work in progress. But I didn't want you peoples to come visit my webpage just to read my damn monolog and have nothing else be new. So, in light of that, I have posted several new moron quotes, and also check out the first link at the bottom of this page....its freaking awesome!!!! Laters ya'll.....

Hey....send me an email too....lemme know what you think and what I should fix or change....


Yeah, so there is nothing "NEW" right now, but check out the Moron Quote of the Week in the features menu.


Moron's Quote of the Week

More than you ever wanted to know
An intimate conversation with David Olszewski...

Some Pics or Something

Here are some of the lucky people that know me or something

We all get a little crazy from time to time...

Hey, ever wonder what a little O ski would look like...okay smaller than I am now...
Click Here to find out!!

Links to Places

Don't worry, I know my page sux right you need some place to hang out until I get this thing up to speed. Anyways, here are some links that will surely keep you entertained for a while.....BUT DON'T FORGET TO COME BACK!!!

End of the World
This is one of the funniest flash movies I have ever seen. You have to check it out, I promise you will laugh your ass off....well, don't do that cos I'm sure you would get tired of standing. Anyways, go watch it, it's impressive.

Strong Bad's Email
This is like the best site ever. I have never laughed harder in my life...Strong Bad is awesome!!!!

Homestar Runner
This is the home page of one of Strong Bad's Co-stars...This page is a lot of fun too. Some good cartoon shorts and games here...
This place has some cool t-shirts...but if you don't like t-shirts, then you probably don't wanna go here...

Thirty Seven?!
If you are a fan of Kevin Smith and his films (Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back) then you should check out this game....lots of fun, especially if you have seen the movies as many times as I have...

The Veiw Askewniverse
This is the home page of Kevin Smith's production company and his above mentioned movies....a pretty cool site, but not if you didn't like those movies...