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My Life in the Digital World

Ophanim Gordon Minamoto
My Digidestined Time, the Season 1


Hello people. I am here to tell you of my quest in the digital world, it may seem fake, but it happened to me. At first, digimon started when I was in Grade 3(1999). I felt alone and I lost my best friend, her name was Cassandra, we were friends since we both started school. We rarely had fights. But in Grade 2, a new person joined us, she was Cassandra's new friend, our friendship started to break because we always were in the same class, until Grade 2. Monica was her name, she was Cassandra's new friend. We had a fight, and I guess I was jealous. But in Grade 3, she became friends with a girl I hated since kindergarten, her name was Britney. Britney told her and pushed her not to be my friend. How I hated her. I lost my best friend, my only friend.

One day in August, the day:1st, I think, I came home from hanging with my new friends and I was watching Digimon and it was Season 1. At 7:15 I heard a noise in my room. I went to my room and my laptop was on. It was processing data and an egg with pentagons and lightning printed all over it, appeared on my screen. I pressed enter by accedent when I took a closer look. I said,"Uh oh! Gordon, you son of a-," and I was cut off by a robot voice saying,"No, please don't hurt us. You are the most evil of evil, we praise you, just don't hurt us!".

"I shall destroy you! You have tried to rescue the magical eggs and now you'll pay, for I was going to eat them for breakfast!", yelled a evil clown voice. "Take the egg Jennai! Run with the eggs, rescue this world! Don't fail the ques-", the robot voice was cut off. "No! You will pay for slaying him!", yelled a man's voice. I moved my mouse over the egg and a thumping sound came over it.

"Now, Jennai. Hand over the egg and I won't harm a little hair on your body. Well, maybe one for just the fun of it" said the clown voice again. "Never! You shall be destroyed!" yelled the man's voice, I figured he was Jennai. "Argh! This'll make my job a bit harded... Trump Sword!" said the clown's voice again. "Ahhhh! No! Two of the eggs have fallen! Not the tags too! The tag of light will come to its senses, but I fear that the tag of Mind will become corrupted and swallowed up into the mouth of evil!" yelled Jennai. Who was he talking to and what was he talking about? I wondered. "Well, I guess that's two, what the heck. The eggs probably hit the groud and got smashed. Trump Sword!" yelled the clown.

"Eggs, scatter to the isle!" said Jennai. Then my laptop shut down. I booted it back onb, but it was normal, same as always. I must go, fight digimon, peace out, and beware of all evil! It tends to clear all absurdities and contradictions from its mind, and humans count in absurdities and contradictions from its escence.

Ever since then, I kept thinking about the conversation of it. So everyday I kept thinking of that and later, around two days later, My family got a trip to Japan, so we went to Japan. I went to the elevator to go downstairs and suddenly the elevator started skaing and it was falling. I opened the emergency hatch and went to the other elavator, I went upstairs and I left the door open by mistake. A small cat came in and a weird pentagon thing came in and i thought, heh, must be the neighbour's.

Then a girl was walking by and tripped, I heard her fall and I rushed to her. She ended up being Kari so I invited her in, even though i didn't know it was her. She scraped her knee so I got dis infectant-the painless kind, I poured some on her knee and bandaged it up. She said thanks and I asked her if she wanted any drinks, she said sure so I got lemonade. We watched some T.V. and the weird thing and cat sat on our couch, I thought saw the cats claws and the weird thing turned into a cannon, ready to strike us and Kari looked back and the weird thing fell of the couch.

"Awww, the cat's so cute" said Kari. Then the cat left and we went back to watching the T.V. and I heard the cannon thing leave. The cannon thing had a tail, with a ring on it and a necklace. It also had a staff. It had a green shiny orb on a silver long line with a vine shape of silver covering the bottom of the orb. We became good friends and I slept over at her place. She was writing in her journal about me, she showed me, she said I was a smart guy, and very careful, though I lack balance. I met her brother, she didn't say his name. We were in her room when we heard her brother talking with two people. We went to go see who he was talking to.

He was talking to the cat and weird thing. We went to see and there was also two giant dragons, and a wizard."Go back Kari!" yelled her brother. So Kari was her name. "What are they?" asked Kari. "Her," said the cat,"she's the 8th digidestined"."He's," said the weird thing,"is the 9th digidestined". "Yup, your right, Pentamon!" said one of the dragons, he was red, one dragon was gray, the other was red. "Megadramon, shush!" ordered the cat. "Don't order him around, please Gatomon" said the wizard. "Tai, I'm scared," said Kari. "Bequiet, I'll tell you when you can speak, Wizardmon!" ordered Gatomon again."Your bossy," said the gray dragon."Oh, you're just jealous because I'm better looking than you, Gigadramon," said the cat vainly.

"Is it just me or is she sheir vanity?" asked Gigadramon to Megadramon. "Yah, she is sheir vanity" replied Megadramon. "Here is the digivice of light" said Gatomon, holding a small gray thing in its hand. "Here's the digivive of Mind" said Pentamon, holding another thing exactly like the one in Gatomon's paw. "Lord Myotismon is calling" said Pentamon. "Bye" I said, waving my hand like I was stunned. What a stupid way to act, I thought to myself. They dissapeared quickly. Gotta go, another Digimon, last time it was Woodmon, I wondwer what this one will be...

I am back. So anyway, I went for a walk the night and Kari was with me, she said she had to go to the washroom so she went, it was near by. I just kept walking, but at a slower pace so she could catch up to me, then I'd walk faster. So this carrage was driving by and I thought it was just a ride, but the horses looked like they had blood shot eyes and the driver was a grim reaper, it stoped by me and the driver asked in a ghostly voice,"Are you afraid? Are the horses too scary?". "I was a little" I said.

Then the door of the carrage opened and a man in a cape with something covering his eyes with wings shaped like a bat on it stepped out. I felt like something was evil was standing in front of me. He asked in a malicous voice,"Are you lost or something?" try to act sweet and calm. I asked why and he just stepped closer and opened his cap and pulled me in. He bit into my neck, the pain, the force he was using it to suck out the very life out of me, it was immense! I tried to scream and free myself, but his grip was too strong and I was feeling weaker. Then I heard him say two things:"This is the best blood I have ever tasted, even better then the lady just now!", and ,"I love my blood with a dash of fear in it, it makes it taste better". Then I blanked out.

When I woke up, I saw Kari, tied up and blind-folded in the seat beside me. She kicked me and I shifted away from her, weakly. Then I though I hit the wall, but it moved and I found myself with the culprit who drained me of my blood. I thought he was the wall and he said,"So young human, you're awake" he said. "Are you talking to me, or to Kari?" I asked. "Koji?" asked Kari. "Yeah?" I asked. "So you two know each other?" asked the evil guy."He's trying to kidnapp me!" yelled Kari. "He drained me of some blood" I said. "Vampire!" yelled Kari to the guy. "It's best if you keep your mouth shut! Or you'll feel the wrath of me! I am Lord Myotismon, I am going to take your world into my control!" gloated him.

So he was Myotismon! That meant Pentamon, Gatomon, Wizardmon, Gigadramon, and that red dragon thingie, oh yah, he's Megadramon, work for him! I thought to myself. "I see that you've heard of me" he said slyly. "How'd you know that?" I asked. "The look on your face" he said. The carrage stoped. Then we were swallowed up bu darkness. I felt like somebody was moving me and i layed down. Then I heard The guys I met at Kari's place talking. Kari was holding my hand. I knew she was with me.

"Ok, Megadramon and Gigadramon, you guys stay out here to guard, incase Myotismon comes or another digimon comes, then wack your tails on the ground. Gatomon, I and Wizardmon will go down and get the tags of Light and Mind!" said Pentamon. Myotismon was here, he is inside! I tried to tell them that but my voice was gone. I guess I was too afraid. I reached around the box I was in and felt that it was a coffin! The coffin opened up and there was Pentamon, Gatomon, and Wizardmon, but they didn't know who was behind them! I gotta go fight another digimon, yesterday was Otamamon, bye!

I'm bac, whew, two days gone, I had to do school work, I am SOOOOOO SORRY! I APOLOGIZE for my great absence! Anyway, so Pentamon, Gatomon, and Wizardmon said "You are in here, the two of you, but this is-" Gatomon was cut off by Myotismon,"Haha! Gatomon, Pentamon, Wizardmon, and the two idiots up there have betrayed me! You'll all pay dearly, oh and by the way, I have the REAL tags here, in my hand. You think I'm stupid enough to leave it in my coffin? I take it everywhere, you can't stop me! Now you'll pay the price! Wizardmon, you'll be the first on my list, along with Gigadramon and Megadramon, my slaves... Grisely Wings!" he shouted and tons of bats stormed out of him and carried Wizardmon.

Pentamon said," Actually, Megadramon and Gigadramon aren't you're slaves because they just betrayed you and they only work for me, same with Wizardmon because he just betray-","Shut up!" said Myotismon angrily. While they were talkling, I got myself untied and I got Kari untied, I can still feel the ropeburn I got from him... what an idiot Myotismon is. We followed them out of the lair and saw Megadramon and Gigadramon were engulfed in bat clusters-cramps(I did a bat report recently, a cluster of bats is called a cramp)too.

"Nooooooooo!" shouted Pentamon. Myotismon yelled something to his bats, but I didn't hear it because it was hard to hear due to Pentamon's worry whispering or should I say, tempertantrum. Suddenly, the bats dropped the two dragons and Wizardmon and they fell into a lake. "Nightmare Claw!" shouted Myotismon and a black streak hit the water, making it turn black and then two red beams came down into the water by Myotismon's hands as he said "Crimson Lightning!" and the water was back to normal.

"I don't think they could survive all that!" said pentamon, trying to shut his eyes. "I think I deserve a little snack!" yelled Myotismon and Kari elbowed me in the stomach saying,"Well, RUN!" and I ran as fast as I could. It was no use, he was gaining on me! There was no escape! I might of well as given it up if it weren't for the fact that my digivice was thrown into my hands by none other than Mimi(she was my cousin. Pentamon flew to my side and suddenly a plant like digimon plopped out of her nap sack and Mimi said to it,"Digivolve Palmon!" and Palmon digivolved.

Then Togemon appeared, a cactus sort of digimon with boxing gloves. Wow! She distracted Myotismon so I could run away and suddenly pentamon flew beside me and said,"Need a lift? I can give you one, it'll be much faster than you can run". "sure" I said and I got on him and then, he flew higher and higher into the sky and then I said,"Ouch! Okay, too high! I'm gonna get a nosebleed!" and we began falling and Pentamon was smiling. Then, we were near the apartment where I was staying and he plopped my on the balcony of somebody who had alot of flowers, perhaps a botanist.

"Wrong balcony" I said. Pentamon flew me above the apartment and we went flying to see which balcony we should get to. "There!" I pointed and we flew to Kari's balcony. "Can I stay the night?" Pentamon asked. "Sure, but just keep hidden" I said and then he said "Where?". I started to think and then I said,"I know where!" and later, in 15 minutes, or something like that, Pentamon was stuffed with Gatomon in a closet of Kari's with tennis raquetes, running shoes, and lots of toys.

"No, I was thing of the closet, not the stuff closet, you know, your clothes closet" I said to Kari. "Oh!" Kari said and then 20 minutes later, they were sitting in the clothes closet which had lots of room and at night, if you were really quiet, you could hear Pentamon saying,"Ha! I beat you!" or Gatomon saying, "Nah nah! Hah! I win! You loose!" and I thought everything would be much better in the morning.

When I woke up, I started to head for the kitchen for water and I saw Pentamon and Gatomon fighting on the sofa. "I wanna watch "The Exciting World of Cats"!" yelled Gatomon. "Well I want to watch "Cyberspace, Our Friendly Resource"!"yelled Pentamon. "Who wants to watch some stupid thing about cats who go like meow, meow, me owwwwwwwwwwww!" yelled pentamon because as he was saying meow, Gatomon scratched him. I gotta go now, another digimon, sorry, but beware, whatever seems suspicious, is probaly evil...

Sorry, I was trapped inside the D-world and I was fighting a army of Andromon and it took so long, 7 days, what a waste!"Stop fighting or you'll wake the others up!" I said sternly."Okidoki!" said Pentamon cheerfully. I walked back to bed and Kari was up and she said,"I had the most weirdest dream!" and I said, "It's not a dream, they are on the sofa bicckering at each other".

Then a Phantomon broke in."Duck!" I told Kari and it nearly crashed its sickle into us."Run with me!" Tai yelled and then Kari, Gatomon, Pentamon, and I ran. Their parents ran too but were caught. We ran out of the building and Pentamon said,"I can teleport us to a safe spot! Just touch me and then we can teleport!". "Don't forget us!" yelled Sora with Matt, T.K., and Joe. They clung on to Pentamon as we did and we teleported to Izzy's place.

"Activate, activate!" yelled Izzy in frustration as we saw Izzy's parents on the ground, we knew they fainted because they saw Tentomon."Izzy! Pentamon and Gatomon are here, so are th others, lets take Pentamon and Gatomon down!" yelled Tentomon."No, Tentomon, Pentamon is good now, so is Gatomon" said Sora. I asked her,"How do you know they are good?"."Tai told us that you two were good now and they're your Digimon" said Joe. I gotta go now, sorry my peoples, bye.

I sarted walking over to Izzy's computer and clicked okay and it started. Izzy luaghed sheepishly and I smacked Izzy on the head and he gave me a cold stare.