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Welcome to OFW Airlines & Investment Company  

OFW-Airlines is the float in the parade of our country's modern heroes. It will the last thing they will see when they leave the country and will be the first when they come home.

The airline will make sure that those who leave the country arrives at their destination without problems as much as possible. It is hard enough emotionally leaving love ones behind and worry about what lies for them in their destination. The airline will make sure that the trasition will be smooth as possible. The airline will make sure that all the necessary papers are in order, provide assistance in case they run into problems in foreign places (e.g. missed their flight), and anything that might go wrong. For those coming home, they have different needs. They want to get to their family as quickly as possible. They want to bring balikbayan bozes as heavy/big as possible. And they want to feel that once they step into the airline, they will get that feeling that they are home.

In short, exceptional service towards OFWs. Understanding the needs of OFWs and addressing them are its primary concern.

The airline will be one of the first OFW supported venture that will help improve the infrastructure of the country. Once others see a successful execution of a project, they will be willing to fund other. For example, a telecommunications company providing exceptional service to OFWs so they can "feel closer to home." Another might be a media company, insurance, a bank or a transportation system like a subway system.

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Your Thoughts

"The quickest way to make a small fortune is to start with a large one," Richard Branson

"Some people say airlines are powered by fuel, but this airline is powered by its IT infrastructure. We're always looking at our technology and saying, Is there a way we can improve this? That's the magic." Jetblue Skies Ahead

"OFW-Airlines is the float in the parade of our country's modern heroes. It will the last thing they will see when they leave the country and will be the first when they come home." (Richard Alam - Ottawa, Canada)

"Can you believe we are going to build an airline from scratch, with members scattered all over the world and just by sending email? Isn't that interesting? exciting? Be part in building our dream. Next, we'll do business, help our fellow countrymen and make more friends. Join us and we will have FUN! Isn't that nice?" (Ahguimath Jacquez - Minnesota, US)

"Interesting and impressive. You guys are realizing something other OFWs would imagine only in their dreams. I said impressive because the core group looks sincere and that's the first most important element of a project." (Pit Moreno - Saudi Arabia)

"First and foremost we the ofw's deserve to be granted a lower price whilst flying on any airlines in the Philippines." (Ed Dignos - Shanghai, China)

"If the airline shall be exclusively for OFW, it will be one of the most profitable airlines ever." (Nat John Duenas - California, US)

"It's about time that our Kuya and Ate OFWs find their exits more fulfilling and productive as we serve the young ones who opted to migrate overseas to seek greener pastures. The key words in the existing civilization are migration, remittances and commercialization, foreign exchange markets and OFWs' small capital investment - pooled OFW fund." (Tonette Binsol - Tokyo, Japan)

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