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The Hero Of The Stars

My Past With You Will Never Fade...
All The Games That I Know We've Played...
All The Words You've Given Me...
...Are Worth More Than The Stars...

Your Tears Are My Pain,
Your Fears Are What I've Gained,
I want to protect you from it all.
...But Words Can't Say How I feel...

So... I'll be the Hero Of The Stars.
...To Save You From It all...

Because My words to you were so empty,
You still stood there, always right next to me.
I wish there was a way for me to give it all back...
'Thank you' says nothing at all...

Just say the Word,
And I'll Pay You Back With My Blood.
...You're worth more to me anyway...

I would follow you..
even over the edge...
But there'd be no point,
'Cause I've already fallen for you...