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Brass' home RPG

Character Name: Brass Demur

Alignment: True Neutral





Weight:220 lbs

Hair color: Bald

Eye color: Grey

AGE: 30

Level: 2

Hit Points: 30

AM: 10 +5% for Konryou

Hit: 21

Evade: 30

Experience Points: 150

Gold: 20

Silver: 0

Str: 20

Intel: 15

Con: 20

Dex: 15

Chr: 10

Com: 20

Wis: 20


Poison Tasting: Humans can detect the taste of any poison in drink and food. Though they have limited poison resistance, they have enough to stave off the small amount they would injest from eating or drinking something poisoned. This ability does not include injected poisons from darts, dagger etc.

Protective Aura: This ability developed in Humans thousands of years ago. When a Human is below 12 HPS, they begin taking damage at only 50% of its intended amount after AM. That is, if they are hit for 16 points after AM, they take only 8.

LowLight Vision: Humans cannot see in the pitch black dark. They can, however see in low light and moonlight at a range of 25 feet.

Natural AM:Humans' Natural AM is 10%.

Evade: A Human receives +5% to their base evade.

Special Attack

Evaluation: The incredible minds of Humans evaluate and break down the strengths and weaknesses of enemies in mere moments. For each full round of combat in which a Human can actually see a single opponent, they gain a +1% to their To Hit in attacks against that opponent. This effect is cumulative for each round of combat and does not have a limit. The effect lasts until the Human is killed, knocked unconscious, blinded, or cannot see the target for one full round. This bonus begins again as soon as a Human sees the intruder again, starting from the beginning of +1% per round. There is no additional bonus if multiple Humans watch the same target.


Constitution: Theocrats gain +6 to their Constitution statistic.

Acrobatics: All Theocrats, when called upon to make a dex roll, Theocrats automatically succeed. This ability allows the Theocrat to perform flips, cartwheels, etc...

Lightfoot: All Theocrats’s steps are so light he/she can leap a distance of 20 feet, and actually seemingly float over water after a light touch to the surface of it with the feet.

Awareness: At Level 3, this ability allows the Theocrat to fight against unseen/invisible opponents. The Theocrat has the unique skill of “sensing” where things are. Thus, they can also move about in complete darkness. They can also discern the alignment of a character.

Stone Skin: At Level 5, this ability allows the Theocrat to harden the density of his skin, allowing for great protection. +10%AM +3% per level, lasting for the entire spar/melee. Takes one round to activate. Useable 3X a Campaign/Spar.

Rejuvenation: At Level 7, the Theocrat if injured, may stop fighting and sit down to meditate, regaining 5 HP per round they meditate. During this time, the Theocrat is rendered vulnerable to attack, but with no loss to evade.

Deflection: At Level 9, the Theocrat can divert a melee attack against them towards another with an evade roll and successful strength roll. This move cannot send the attack back towards its source, only towards another person.

At level 4, the Theocrat may attack twice per round with his fists and/or feet. Fists do 2d5 dmg, Feet do 3d4 dmg.

Starting at Level 5 the Theocrat’s attacks become deadlier, they gain +1 dmg per level (up to a maximum of +5)

Vital Points: Starting at level 5 the Theocrat learns how to target the vital points of a person’s body. Vital points are specific nerve endings when attacked with great force can cause great pain to the victim. Vital Point attacks are done with a Called Shot. Vital Points can be used in conjunction with any Special Skill from any of the Disciplines.

Level Damage

5-7 X 1.5

8-10 X 2

11-13 X 3

14+ X 4

Discipline of Nine Suns

The style of Nine Suns derives its unique skills from light. Like light, one must be quick and silent. Below are techniques gained from practicing this Discipline.

Fourth Ways of the Righteous Fury: At Level 5, this move enables the Theocrat to somehow bend the light to create 4 exact images of himself. If an attack used by the Theocrat is successful, the victim must make 4 evade rolls. Should either of them fail, he is hit. Lasts D5+3 rounds. Useable 1X spar/melee.

Seeking Sun: Gained at Level 7, this move enables the Theocrat to perform a palm strike into an opponent’s body while with channeling the fire of the sun into his blow. +7% attack, Fist damage plus 2D4+3. Useable 3X spar/melee. Successful Attack roll required.

Blinding Ray: Gained at level 9, this technique involves pointing the fore and middle finger of one’s hand at an opponent’s face, releasing a burst of white hot light that blinds the opponent for d6 rounds, causing -20% attack & evade. Useable 2X spar/melee. Successful Attack roll required.

Speed of Light: At Level 11, the Theocrat focuses his Chi energy and gains the speed of light, appearing as a whitish yellow blur when he she moves. +10% evade for D5+3 rounds. Usable 1X spar/melee. ~Back To The Top~

Way of Wicked Water

The Way of Water is founded upon the concept that one must be as malleable as water, soft as a gentle stream, yet corrosive as an angry river. The discipline’s philosophy is thus: Take your time.

Body of Water: Gained at level 5, the technique makes the Theocrat as shifty as water, enabling him/her to perform an evade 2X per attack. So, if attacked, the Theocrat gets two evade rolls to dodge. D5+4 rounds. Useable 1X spar/melee. Takes one round to activate.

Mist of Decay: At Level 7, the Theocrat takes a deep breath of air and breathes out this bluish mist that immediately tries to swarm the opponent. The mist is acidic in nature, and causes D7 dmg for D5 rounds. Damage is rolled each round if the technique is successful and the target failed his evade. Useable 2X spar/melee. Successful Attack roll required.

Rain of Stone: Gained at level 9, this powerful technique allows the user to boost the number of his attacks per round to 5. Each attack however is done at a -10% penalty. So when using this technique, the Theocrat would roll 5 d100 with his Attack % -10. Useable 2X spar/melee.

Tidal Kick: At Level 11, When used in conjunction with a kicking attack, the technique focuses the immense power of a tidal wave into the kick, doing an additional 4D5 dmg, +6% to attack. Useable 2X spar/melee. ~Back To The Top~

Shadow Skill

Perhaps the most mysterious and exotic Martial Discipline of all. The philosophy is to not be seen, and to strike deadly and true.

Shroud of Darkness: At Level 5, the Theocrat makes himself invisible to the naked eye, and to infravision. This technique also grants the Theocrat immunity from the Theocrats “Awareness” skill, allowing them to attack in complete and utter surprise. D5+3 rounds. +15% attack, +5 dmg to successful attack. Useable 1X spar/melee.

Shadow Puppets: Gained at Level 7, the Theocrat can craft Shadow fighters from his own shadow, each of them acting as the Theocrat’s bodyguards and soldiers. If the Theocrat is attacked, the Theocrat may opt to sacrifice one of his Shadow Puppets to take the hit. The Shadow puppets attack once per round, at 40% attack, and 40% evade, doing 3D3 dmg with each successful hit. If the Shadow puppet is hit even once, it is gone. Shadow Puppets last D5+2 rounds. Useable 2X spar/melee. Successful Attack roll required.

Night Switch: At Level 9, if attacked, the Theocrat can roll a d2. If a 1 is rolled, the Theocrat automatically evades and the attacker strikes the Theocrat’s shadow instead, the shadow appearing where the real Theocrat once was. If a 2 is rolled, the Theocrat may roll an evade. D5+2 rounds. Useable 2X spar/melee. Successful Attack required.

Black as Night: Gained at Level 11, The Theocrat causes his body to decorporealize into darkness itself, allowing the Theocrat to travel through shadows as if a teleport spell was cast. No limit to it's use.