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nCn - in the making ..............

Founded in late 2002, nCn was founded by our beloved commander-in-chief, Jason. Consisting of only 5 permanent members in the squad, the team began to develop their individual skills, team tactics and technique intensively. Just like any new eggs hatched, nCn had a hard time at the early stage but eventually they began to get more exposure and are ready for healthy challenges. The team began their quest by challenging clans from their grassroot, Klang. Their training bears the seed, nCn won most of the matches they had, weapon accuracies and teamwork were clearly demonstrated. With a couple of good performance, nCn were later sponsored by NetSeven CyberCafe, Klang. An encouraging moral boosting and this is where the second generation of nCn was born.
A couple of new members were recruited to strengthen the squad, with 2 teams working hand in hand, nCn definitely means business. Later on, nCn continue their quest, but this time to Shah Alam. An impressive performance were again shown and this leads them to a more challenging journey. nCn then geared up and continue their quest to CrazeTech, a greater challenge awaits them. Won in a stiff and very close margin, nCn began to grow and exposed.
A couple of new members were then recruited from Shah Alam.
Presently, nCn consists of 17 permanent members and still growing.

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