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Ehh...mah suckeh page

Mah 1st 3 favourite people =D

Places that rawks mah sawks or just suck ice...

Beth's website...down with the twinkies!
my homepage...hannah made me update it -.-
its not take45 anymore,but either way,they still suck

Allo. You most likely know me if your are here. If not,I am Natty. I live in an old and historical town that is in an old and historical state. I DO go on neopets and nothing you can say or do can stop me. I am currently working on my pets lives and saving up for a lab ray entire map. I have 2/3 of it already. If you want to look me up on neopets,my accounts are nattygirl4eva,gegehi,2angeldevil666,starznstripez00,and my newest account is ignorable. Well,hope to see you again,unless I don't like you. Oh,and the pic on at the beginning of this page is for Beth's website. >=D