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Racial Characteristics

Cheesy Munchkin Home"

Note: When determining starting age, you need to know whether your class is considered a "doer" (Barbarian, Rogue, Sorceror, Thief, Wilder, etc.), "practicer" (Armsman, Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Warrior, etc.), or "learner" (Cleric, Druid, Initiate, Monk, Wizard, etc.)

For any race listed below that isn't finished, you can go here for the stats.

Dwarf: Dwarves receive a +2 to their Strength and Constitution, and a -2 to their Dexterity and Charisma. They get a +2 Stonecunning bonus on Spot or Search checks to notice unusual stonework, as well as on Appraise or Craft checks dealing with metalwork or stonework. They also get a +2 bonus on Intuit Direction or Survival checks to sense their approximate depth underground. They get a +2 racial bonus on saving throws vs. poisons, spells, and spell-like effects. Dwarves have darkvision out to 60 ft. They ignore any encumbrance effects less than "total" and may use weapons and other items (except armor) up to one size class larger than normal with no ill effects. They are medium-size creatures and have a base speed of 20 ft. They speak Common and Dwarven, and may speak Giant, Gnomish, Goblin, Orcish, Terran, and Undercommon.
Male ht/wt: 3'9" +2d4 in., 130+ (x2d6) lbs.
Female ht/wt: 3'7" +2d4 in., 100+ (x2d6) lbs.
Ages: 40+ Doer 3d6, Practicer 5d6, Learner 7d6

Dwarfling: Small cross-breed of Dwarf and Halfling. Dwarflings receive a +2 to their Constitution and Intelligence, and -2 to Wisdom and Charisma. They get a +1 racial bonus to all Climb, Jump, Listen, and Move Silently checks. They get a +1 Stonecunning bonus on Spot or Search checks to notice unusual stonework, as well as on Appraise or Craft checks dealing with metalwork or stonework. They also get a +1 bonus on Intuit Direction or Survival checks to sense their approximate depth underground. They get a +1 racial bonus to all attacks with thrown weapons. They get a +1 luck bonus to all saving throws as well as a +1 Not-Wise-Enough-to-be-Scared bonus vs. all fear effects and a +1 racial bonus on saving throws vs. poisons, spells, and spell-like effects. They have darkvision out to 50 ft. They ignore any encumbrance effects less than "total" and may use weapons and other items (except armor) up to one size class larger than normal with no ill effects. A dwarfling may, once per day, take 20 on a Bluff check to sell something for twice its actual value. They are small-size creatures with a base speed of 20 ft. If raised among dwarves, they speak Common and Dwarven, and may speak Giant, Gnomish, Goblin, Halfling, Orcish, Terran, and Undercommon. If raised among halflings, they speak Common and Halfling, and may speak Dwarven, Elven, Gnomish, Goblin, and Orcish.
Male ht/wt: 3'2" +2d4 in., 80+ (x1d6) lbs.
Female ht/wt: 3'0" +2d4 in., 62+ (x1d6) lbs.
Ages: 30+ Doer 1d6+1d4+1, Practicer 4d6, Learner 5d6+1d3

Dwelf: Smart cross-breed of Dwarf and Elf. Dwelves receive a +2 to their Intelligence and a -2 to their Charisma. They get a +1 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. They are automatically proficient with either shortbows, longbows, composite shortbows, or composite longbows. They get a +1 Stonecunning bonus on Spot or Search checks to notice unusual stonework, as well as on Appraise or Craft checks dealing with metalwork or stonework. They also get a +1 bonus on Intuit Direction or Survival checks to sense their approximate depth underground. They get a +1 racial bonus on saving throws vs. poisons, spells, or spell-like abilities. They also get a +1 insomniac bonus vs. Enchantment effects. They have Darkvision out to 60 ft. They ignore any encumbrance effects less than "total" and may use weapons and other items (except armor) up to one size class larger than normal with no ill effects. Dwelves do not lose their Dex bonus to AC when using the Run action. They receive a 25xp bonus every time they wound a creature which is then killed by someone else. They are medium-size creatures with a base speed of 25 ft. If raised among dwarves, they speak Common and Dwarven, and may speak Elven, Giant, Gnomish, Goblin, Orcish, Terran, and Undercommon. If raised among Elves, they speak Common and Elven, and may speak Draconic, Dwarven, Gnollish, Gnomish, Goblin, Orcish, and Sylvan.
Male ht/wt: 4'1" +1d4+1d6 in., 107+ (x1d6+1d4) lbs.
Female ht/wt: 4'0" +1d4+1d6 in., 90+ (x1d6+1d4) lbs.
Ages: 75+ Doer 3d6+1d3, Practicer 5d6+1d3, Learner 8d6+1d3

Dworc: Strong cross-breed of Dwarf and Orc. Dworcs receive a +3 to Strength and Constitution, but a -2 to Dexterity, Intelligence, and Wisdom, and a -3 to Charisma. They get a +1 Stonecunning bonus on Spot or Search checks to notice unusual stonework, as well as on Appraise or Craft checks dealing with metalwork or stonework. They also get a +1 bonus on Intuit Direction or Survival checks to sense their approximate depth underground. They get a +1 racial bonus on saving throws vs. poisons, spells, or spell-like abilities. They also get a +1 Ugly bonus on saving throws vs. curse effects. They have darkvision out to 60 ft. If a dworc single-handedly defeats an opponent with more HD than the dworc's character level, the dworc gets 50% more xp for that creature. They ignore any encumbrance effects less than "total" and may use weapons and other items (except armor) up to one size class larger than normal with no ill effects. They are medium-size creatures with a base speed of 25 ft. If raised among dwarves, they speak Common and Dwarven, and may speak Giant, Gnomish, Goblin, Orcish, Terran, and Undercommon. If raised among orcs, they speak Common and Orcish, and may speak Abyssal, Draconic, Dwarven, Giant, Gnomish, and Goblin.
Male ht/wt: 4'4" +1d4+1d12 in., 140+ (x2d6) lbs.
Female ht/wt: 4'0" +1d4+1d12 in., 105+ (x2d6) lbs.
Ages: 27+ Doer 2d6, Practicer 3d6, Learner 4d6+1d3

Elf: Elves receive a +2 to their Dexterity and Intelligence, and a -2 to their Strength and Constitution. They don't sleep. Ever. They get a +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks, as well as on saving throws vs. Enchantment spells and spell-like effects. They are automatically proficient with all shortbows, longbows, composite shortbows, and composite longbows. Elves do not lose their Dex bonus to AC when using the Run action. They receive a 50xp bonus every time they wound a creature which is then killed by someone else. They have Low-Light vision, are medium-size, and have a base speed of 30 ft. They speak Common and Elven, and may speak Draconic, Gnollish, Gnomish, Goblin, Orcish, and Sylvan.
Male ht/wt: 4'5" +2d6 in., 85+ (x1d6) lbs.
Female ht/wt: 4'5" +2d6 in., 80+ (x1d6) lbs.
Ages: 110+ Doer 4d6, Practicer 6d6, Learner 10d6

Elfling: Quick cross-breed of Elf and Halfling. Elflings receive a +3 to Dexterity and Intelligence, but a -3 to Strength and a -2 to Constitution and Wisdom. They get a +1 racial bonus on Search, and Spot checks, as well as on saving throws vs. Enchantment spells and spell-like effects. They are automatically proficient with either shortbows, longbows, composite shortbows, or composite longbows. Elflings do not lose their Dex bonus to AC when using the Run action. They receive a 25xp bonus every time they wound a creature which is then killed by someone else. They get a +1 racial bonus to all Climb, Jump, and Move Silently checks, and a +2 bonus to Listen checks. They get a +1 racial bonus to all attacks with thrown weapons. They get a +1 luck bonus to all saving throws as well as a +1 Not-Wise-Enough-to-be-Scared bonus vs. all fear effects. An elfling may, once per day, take 20 on a Bluff check to sell something for twice its actual value. They have Low-Light vision, are small-size, and have a base speed of 20 ft. If raised among Elves, they speak Common and Elven, and may speak Draconic, Gnollish, Gnomish, Goblin, Halfling, Orcish, and Sylvan. If raised among Halflings, they speak Common and Halfling, and may speak Dwarven, Elven, Gnomish, Goblin, and Orcish.
Male ht/wt: 3'6" +1d6+1d4 in., 57+ (x1d3) lbs.
Female ht/wt: 3'5" +1d6+1d4 in., 52+ (x1d3) lbs.
Ages: 65+ Doer 2d6+1d3, Practicer 4d6+1d3, Learner 7d6

Gnarf: Tough cross-breed of Gnome and Dwarf. Gnarves get a +3 bonus to Constitution and a +2 bonus to Intelligence. However, they suffer a -2 to Dexterity, Wisdom, and Charisma. They get a +1 Stonecunning bonus on Spot or Search checks to notice unusual stonework, as well as on Appraise or Craft checks dealing with metalwork or stonework. They also get a +1 bonus on Intuit Direction or Survival checks to sense their approximate depth underground. They get a +1 racial bonus on saving throws vs. poisons, spells, and spell-like effects. Gnarves have darkvision out to 60 ft. They ignore any encumbrance effects less than "total" and may use weapons and other items (except armor) up to one size class larger than normal with no ill effects. They get a +1 racial bonus on Alchemy and Listen checks and the same on saving throws vs. Illusions. All Gnarves with an Intelligence of 10 or higher may cast Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, and Prestidigitation once per day as a 1st-level caster. They have an acute sense of smell and are eligible to take the Scent feat. They are medium-size creatures with a base speed of 25 ft and have Darkvision out to 60 ft. If raised among Gnomes, they speak Common and Gnome, and may speak Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, and Orcish. If raised among Dwarves, they speak Common and Dwarven, and may speak Giant, Gnomish, Goblin, Orcish, Terran, and Undercommon.
Male ht/wt: 3'4½" +2d4 in., 85+ (x1d6) lbs.
Female ht/wt: 3'2½" +2d6 in., 62+ (x1d6) lbs.
Ages: 40+ Doer 3d6+1d3, Practicer 5d6+1d3, Learner 8d6

Gnelf: Smart cross-breed of Gnome and Elf. Gnelves receive a +3 bonus to Intelligence and a +2 to Dexterity. They also get -2 to their Wisdom score and a -3 to Strength. They get a +1 racial bonus on Alchemy checks and the same on saving throws vs. Illusions. All Gnelves with an Intelligence of 10 or higher may cast Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, and Prestidigitation once per day as a 1st-level caster. They have an acute sense of smell and are eligible to take the Scent feat. They get a +1 racial bonus on Search, and Spot checks; +2 to Listen. They are automatically proficient with either shortbows, longbows, composite shortbows, or composite longbows. Gnelves do not lose their Dex bonus to AC when using the Run action. They receive a 25xp bonus every time they wound a creature which is then killed by someone else. They have low-light vision, and are medium-size creatures with a base speed of 25 ft. When raised among Gnomes, they speak Common and Gnome, and may speak Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, and Orcish. If raised among Elves, they speak Common and Elven, and may speak Draconic, Gnollish, Gnomish, Goblin, Orcish, and Sylvan.
Male ht/wt: 3'9" +1d6+1d4 in., 63+ (x1d3) lbs.
Female ht/wt: 3'8" +1d6+1d4 in., 58+ (x1d3) lbs.
Ages: 75+ Doer 4d6, Practicer 6d6, Learner 9d6+1d3

Gnome: Gnomes receive a +2 to their Constitution and Intellgience, and a -2 on Strength and Wisdom. They get a +2 racial bonus on Alchemy and Listen checks and the same on saving throws vs. Illusions. They have Low-Light vision, are small-size, and have a base speed of 20 ft. All Gnomes with an Intelligence of 10 or higher may cast Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, and Prestidigitation once per day as a 1st-level caster. They have an acute sense of smell and are eligible to take the Scent feat. They speak Common and Gnome, and may speak Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, and Orcish.
Male ht/wt: 3'0" +2d4 in., 40+ (x1) lbs.
Female ht/wt: 2'10" +2d4 in., 35+ (x1) lbs.
Ages: 40+ Doer 4d6, Practicer 6d6, Learner 9d6

Gnomling: Smart cross-breed of Gnome and Halfling. Gnomlings get a +3 to Intelligence, a +2 to Dexterity and Constitution, and a -3 to Strength and Wisdom. They get a +1 racial bonus on Alchemy and Listen checks and the same on saving throws vs. Illusions. All Gnomlings with an Intelligence of 10 or higher may cast Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, and Prestidigitation once per day as a 1st-level caster. They have an acute sense of smell and are eligible to take the Scent feat. They get a +1 racial bonus to all Climb, Jump, Listen, and Move Silently checks. They get a +1 racial bonus to all attacks with thrown weapons. They get a +1 luck bonus to all saving throws as well as a +1 Not-Wise-Enough-to-be-Scared bonus vs. all fear effects. A gnomling may, once per day, take 20 on a Bluff check to sell something for twice its actual value. They have Low-Light vision, are small-size, and have a base speed of 20 ft. If raised among Gnomes, they speak Common and Gnome, and may speak Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, Halfling, and Orcish. If raised among Halflings, they speak Common and Halfling, and may speak Dwarven, Elven, Gnomish, Goblin, and Orcish.
Male ht/wt: 2'10" +2d4 in., 35+ (x1) lbs.
Female ht/wt: 2'8" +2d4 in., 30+ (x1) lbs.
Ages: 30+ Doer 2d6+1d4, Practicer 4d6+1d3, Learner 6d6+1d3

Gnorc: Tough cross-breed of Gnome and Orc. They get a +3 to their Constitution score, but a -3 to Wisdom and a -2 to Charisma. They get a +1 racial bonus on Alchemy and Listen checks and the same on saving throws vs. Illusions. All Gnorcs with an Intelligence of 10 or higher may cast Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, and Prestidigitation once per day as a 1st-level caster. They have an acute sense of smell and are eligible to take the Scent feat. They also get a +1 Ugly bonus on saving throws vs. curse effects. They have darkvision out to 60 ft. If a gnorc single-handedly defeats an opponent with more HD than the gnorc's character level, the gnorc gets 50% more xp for that creature. They are Medium creatures with a base speed of 25 ft. If raised among Gnomes, they speak Common and Gnome, and may speak Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, and Orcish. If raised among Orcs, they speak Common and Orcish, and may speak Abyssal, Draconic, Giant, Gnomish, and Goblin.
Male ht/wt: 3'11" +1d4+1d12 in., 95+ (x1d6) lbs.
Female ht/wt: 3'8" +1d4+1d12 in., 73+ (x1d6) lbs.
Ages: 27+ Doer 2d6+1d3, Practicer 4d6+1d3, Learner 6d6+1d3

Gnuman: Cross-breed of Gnome and Human. They get a +1 to Constitution and Intelligence, and a -1 to Strength and Wisdom. They get a +1 racial bonus on Alchemy and Listen checks and the same on saving throws vs. Illusions. All Gnumans with an Intelligence of 10 or higher may cast Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, and Prestidigitation once per day as a 1st-level caster. They have an acute sense of smell and are eligible to take the Scent feat. They get +2 skill points at first level. They have low-light vision, are medium-size creatures, and have a base speed of 25 ft. They speak Common and Gnome, but might have learned any language they've been exposed to.
Male ht/wt: 3'11" +1d4+1d10 in., 80+ (x1d4) lbs.
Female ht/wt: 3'8" +1d4+1d10 in., 60+ (x1d4) lbs.
Ages: 28+ Doer 2d6+1d3, Practicer 4d6+1d3, Learner 6d6+1d3

Halfling: Halflings receive a +2 to their Dexterity and Intelligence, and a -2 on Strength and Wisdom. They are not "Hobbits". They get a +2 racial bonus to all Climb, Jump, Listen, and Move Silently checks. They get a +1 racial bonus to all attacks with thrown weapons. They get a +1 luck bonus to all saving throws as well as a +2 Not-Wise-Enough-to-be-Scared bonus vs. all fear effects. A halfling may, once per day, take 20 on a Bluff check to sell something for twice its actual value. They are small creatures with a base speed of 20 ft. They speak Common and Halfling, and may speak Dwarven, Elven, Gnomish, Goblin, and Orcish.
Male ht/wt: 2'8" +2d4 in., 30+ (x1) lbs.
Female ht/wt: 2'6" +2d4 in., 25+ (x1) lbs.
Ages: 20+ Doer 2d4, Practicer 3d6, Learner 4d6

Male ht/wt: 4'4" +1d4+1d10 in., 125+ (x1d4+1d6) lbs.
Female ht/wt: 4'0" +1d4+1d10 in., 92+ (x1d4+1d6) lbs.
Ages: 27+ Doer 2d6, Practicer 3d6, Learner 4d6+1d3

Male ht/wt: 4'8" +1d6+1d10 in., 102+ (x1d3+1d4) lbs.
Female ht/wt: 4'5" +1d6+1d10 in., 82+ (x1d3+1d4) lbs.
Ages: 62+ Doer 2d6+1, Practicer 3d6+1d3, Learner 6d6

Male ht/wt: 4'10" +1d10+1d12 in., 135+ (x1d4+1d6) lbs.
Female ht/wt: 4'5" +1d10+1d12 in., 98+ (x1d4+1d6) lbs.
Ages: 15+ Doer 1d4, Practicer 1d6, Learner 2d6

Human: Humans receive an additional feat at first level, 4 additional skill points at first level, and 1 additional skill point every level after that. They are medium-size creatures with a base speed of 30 ft. They speak Common, and may speak any language they've come across.
Male ht/wt: 4'10" +2d10 in., 120+ (x2d4) lbs.
Female ht/wt: 4'5" +2d10 in., 85+ (x2d4) lbs.
Ages: 15+ Doer 1d4, Practicer 1d6, Learner 2d6

Orc: Orcs receive a +2 to the Strength and Constitution, but a -2 on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. They suffer a -1 penalty to all attacks when in bright light. They get a +2 racial bonus on saving throws vs. curse spells and spell-like effects. They have darkvision out to 60 ft. If an orc single-handedly defeats an opponent with more HD than the orc's character level, the orc gets double xp for that creature. They are medium-size creatures with a base speed of 30 ft. They speak Common and Orcish, and may speak Abyssal, Draconic, Giant, Gnomish, and Goblin.
Male ht/wt: 4'10" +2d12 in., 150+ (x2d6) lbs.
Female ht/wt: 4'5" +2d12 in., 110+ (x2d6) lbs.
Ages: 13+ Doer 1d4, Practicer 1d6, Learner 2d6

Male ht/wt: 3'9" +1d4+1d12 in., 90+ (x1d6) lbs.
Female ht/wt: 3'5" +1d4+1d12 in., 67+ (x1d6) lbs.
Ages: 17+ Doer 1d4+1, Practicer 2d6, Learner 3d6

Male ht/wt: 4'8" +1d6+1d12 in., 122+ (x1d3+1d4) lbs.
Female ht/wt: 4'5" +1d6+1d12 in., 95+ (x1d3+1d4) lbs.
Ages: 61+ Doer 2d6+1, Practicer 3d6+1d3, Learner 6d6

Male ht/wt: 3'9" +1d4+1d10 in., 75+ (x1d4) lbs.
Female ht/wt: 3'5" +1d4+1d10 in., 55+ (x1d4) lbs.
Ages: 18+ Doer 1d4+1, Practicer 2d6, Learner 3d6

Cheesy Munchkin Home"