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House Rules

Cheesy Munchkin Home"

Death: 1st level characters cannot die from loss of hit points. Instead, anything that would have killed them merely reduces them to –9 hit-points, where they automatically stabilize. Of course, if the entire party is so disabled, that won’t help much.

I’m too young to die!: As a character advances (in fact, the first time he reaches each new level), the player will be given I’m too young to die! certificates. When used, it allows the character to stabilize at –9 instead of dying. Each cert is usable only once, and is then gleefully torn to shreds by the GM.

NEW RULE!: Instead of a Too Young To Die card, characters may choose to receive a Force Point. This acts in every way like a Force Point in Star Wars, but isn't usually as good at keeping you alive as a Too Young To Die. your choice.

We will be using the "Weapon Equivalencies" optional rule from pg. 27 of the 3.5 DMG. Basically it says that we use weapon sizing like 3E, along with all the new-sized weapons from 3.5.

Classes which give a bonus to Defense now give a Class bonus to AC. Class bonuses do not stack with Armor or Shield bonuses*, but do with Dodge, Deflection, Insight, etc.
*The Armor Compatibility class ability allows you to stack your Class bonus with Armor and Shield bonuses. This will function as normal, with all bonuses applying to AC instead of Defense.

Whenever possible (at least as often as I remember to bring them to the table) we'll be using dork20 cards to supplement character actions. I'll deal 8-x (where x is the number of munchkins at the table) cards at the beginning of the game. You may buy more (never more than 4 in your hand) for 50xp each. You may trade them amongst each other. However, anytime one of you plays a card, I get to draw a card and use it against you at an opportune moment. You've been warned.

Whack them all! works with the first melee attack of the round. It does not work with grapple attempts.

Masterwork dice must be used all at once for any one purpose. For example, if you cast a 5th-level fireball at my helpless bad guys and you only have one masterwork d6, you have to roll 5d6 and declare ahead of time which one is the masterwork. You can't roll 1d6 five times and say they all were. Don't worry, they're only 1000 gp each, and masterwork d20s are still a bargain.

Cheesy Munchkin Home"