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Dream what you dare to dream. Go where you want to go. Be what you want to be. Believe that what you want to be is more important than what you are!

Life's battle don't always go to the strongest or the fastest person, but sooner or later the person who wins is the one who thinks they can. Great things are done more through courage than through wisdom and power! To accomplish those great things, you must not only act, but also dream, plan and be equipped with the strongest weapon the PRAYER. Do not rely at all times to chance, since it will only leave with very little things. Move forward with a strong determination and faith, and you shall be directed to your way because it's the intensity of your desire that determines the speed of your success. (Are you convinced?)

Now if you are a dreamer, and you have the desire, the direction, the determination, and the courage to fullfill your dreams, then you've got the right page because you've finally found a companion!

I am Michael Albios Guhil and this is my homepage which is intentionally designed for me to share my talents in singing, dancing, song writing, musical composition, my cultural affiliations and my experiences. To suggest, recommend and promote new ideas and mind-sets, and to seek for assistance, in search of a Producer for my indepently recorded Album, It is You.

I hope also to find new friends. It's my great pleasure if you find time to sign my Guestbook and give me your comments/suggestions.

You can also play my songs directly from this site and feel free to be informed what’s new in my singing career and my life’s journey. Sometimes we find it more interesting to know other’s life, right? I have also posted some links that may be in some other ways can trigger your interest, and some extra stuff to satisfy your visit!

Happy viewing!

"Let's share our lights,

and lift our voices;

Let's be proud,

we are His instruments......"

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