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Metallica- The harvesters of Sorrow. They are the puppet master and make me want to ride the lightning St. Anger comes out tommorrow and I hope they laugh at Jason because his band "echo-fag" I mean Echbrain sucks a fucking dog off. Let's hope Rob will stay around. He has kikt ass since he was in the tendencies. RIP CLIFF My hero I play bass He was my god All HEil MetAllIcA ...except for lars. He's an arrogant pricked for shutting down Crapster. Hey Lets hope that St. Anger doesn't blow shit like Load and Reload. Why can't they go back to ther melodic metal days of Kil em' All to ... And Justice for all. I fucking blame it on thAT fat ass piece of shit that was drivinfg the tour bus when it flipped over and killed Cliff. They would'nt have sold out and they would have more than 1 god damn album in the last 5 fucking years. They are my favorite band of all time but why the hell are they going on tour with Limp BizSHIT and Linkin PArk-they suck. Lets Go Stone Cold Crazy all you MOTHER FUCKERS