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Memories of Maurice


1985 - 2003


This is a site to share memorys you have of Maurice. Wheather you knew him well or knew him through friends your good natured comments are welcome. Please, keep them appropriate for everyone to see.

Send Pictures, short storys or anything else to They will be posted ASAP. Thank you for anything you send.

St. Pete Times Article
In memory of Maurice Adams



First time i met Maurice, we were sitting at a table in the drama room with Devin, Adam and Sean B, you can imagine the conversation. I was being picked on (suprise, suprise) and Maurice, i guess, felt bad because he didn't know me. I told him that it was ok, I'm always being picked on. From that point on, the jokes and pranks never stopped. From numerous black and blues to wads of tape in my hair, he knew he could always pull a good joke on me. Him and I would fight everyday, sometimes I would win, I think he let me when though, just cause he was sick of wailing on me. Our friendship grew so fast in the short time I knew him, but its a friendship, I will remember for the rest of my life. The last words Maurice said to me were, "I'll talk to you tomorrow". We didn't, but tomorrow will come someday, when I see Jesus in heaven, Maurice will be standing right next to him, waiting to make up for lost time and lost "left hooks".

"I love coffee, I love tea, I love Sunny, and Sunny loves me!" ~ The Captain ~

-Jen "Jennaay" Stevens

I can't say that I was best friends with Maurice, but I knew him pretty good. I met him through my boyfriend Vinny, because they played football together. For the past three years I got to know him better, had a couple classes together and he always had a big smile on his face when I saw him walking down the hall. In the beginning of this year I had to have knee surgery, I was on crutches for while so every day he'd open doors for me and help me if I needed help. That’s how I'll always remember him, a sweet guy. My dad is a firefighter and was on duty on the 14th. I was talking to him on the phone when he got the call, he said he had to go, I had no idea it was Maurice. Now every time I get in the car I think of you! Miss you!

I hope there's a high school in Heaven,
For that is where I want to be.
Our best days of life are spent there,
And there they stay for all eternity.
Laughing, and joking, and roaming the halls,
Nights at the movies, the dances and malls.
Hanging out behind the bleachers after the football games,
You left us with memories, and we'll never be the same.
To the dearest of friends, in our hearts you'll live on,
Our lives are forever changed, though we'll try to move on.
We'll miss you on prom night, and at the dance,
So many memories you'll miss out on because you never had the chance.
We part now in life, though we won't say good-bye,
For new memories we'll create, at the high school in the sky.

--Sara Willi

I met Maurice in 8th grade. He lived in my neighborhood and we use to hang out at the sewer together,
my friends dad would call us the "sewer rat gang". But one day we all started moving away one by one.
And some of us didnt talk as often. Me and my best friend Alanna were no longer friends. But when
Maurice died everyone was back together again, talking about the memories we all shared in the old
neighborhood. It sad that it took the death of Maurice for all of us to see and talk to each other. Maurice
we will never forget you and the memories we shared.

- Jennifer Keller

I don't know what to say,
I don't know how I feel.
My thoughts are numb,
This can't be real.

A loss like this..
Really hits home.
Lying here thinking,
Feelin alone.

I wish there was something..
To make it go away.
I'll remember this forever,
Never forget this day.

Today our school..
Has witnessed the end of a life.
Wishing it was different,
But having much strife.

But you see God has a plan..
For you and for me.
I wish you could understand..
This wasn't a horrible tragedy.

People come and go..
Always for a reason.
Maybe for a lifetime,
Or just a little season.

But i hope you have faith..
Throughout this time of pain.
Just always remember..
There is sunshine after the rain.

-Brittany Hickman

I met Maurice a year ago. It all started at night spiker, he was on my team .. I remember he used to get mad at us because all we did was goofed off about every little thing at practice.. He wanted to win soo bad, he hit every ball no matter how hard was to get there, so we could have first place.. I remember he told me (I’ll see you next year, and this time we’ll WIN!!!) I was looking forward to it…
Maurice was a guy that would make you laugh at anytime, he care about everyone, and he always had something to say.. even though we didn’t hangout that much we always said hi every time we saw each other at school.. I remember he always asked me for the salsa lessons .. even do he didn’t need them cause he knew how to dance!!..
I cant believe this happen to you.. I always look around school to see if I can see you again. I know that wouldn’t happen, but I know that you are always around us. I miss you and I’ll see you in heaven!!

When I first heard the news
I though it was another guy
And when she said your name
The tears came by

I expected you to survive and never die
Because you were a really tuff guy
More tears came down
While time passed by
And I didn’t believe it until I saw your mother cry

Then I asked myself
Why do especial people are the first one to say goodbye?
Even though you are gone
You still in my mind
And I will always remember you
My gringo guy

-Karina Meier

I have know Maurice since 8th grade. We never really hung out outside of school, but he always made me feel like I mattered. I will never forget the classes we had together. I sat right in front of him in Ms. DeGennaro's class. He was the only one in there that really took the time to talk to me about things outside of school. He always asked how my weekend was, and talked to me about up coming events in both our lives, and when I was sick he would always ask how I am doing do I need anything. That meant more than anyone will ever know. I will always remember he rarely came to class with a pen, and always borrowed one from me. I will always regret never saying goodbye to him when I transfered schools. I always thought I could say hi to him when I went to Walgreens, because he worked there. I know Maurice is in a better place now with his younger sister. I know that he knows he is missed by everyone. I often ask God why he was taken away he had so much going for him. Even though God never answers I know he had a better plan for Maurice maybe to be everyones guardian angel. God needs him up in heaven more then here and I respect that. I will always love you, Maurice. You are the sweetest guy at Tarpon. I will see you when my time comes. I know you watching over us.

-Nichole Westley

Maurice, you are missed. No parent should ever have to say goodbye to a child, and my sadness is greater imagining that of your family. I hold my own son closer and pray for his safety and his future in your memory. I spent the day of your funeral giving all of my love and attention to Dylan, as your loss has made me that much more grateful for the precious gift I have. I know you would understand, but I need to remember you how you were when last we spoke, and couldn't bear to see your body now that your soul has moved on. Please know that you are loved, and your continued presence is felt by all of us who knew you. You will stay with us, and we will take you wherever we go. And are "pretty" ;-)

-"D"(Mrs. DiLandro)

I met Maurice when he first moved here from Louisiana. He was the cutest thing ever, especially his accent. We always teased him about that. Back then i was a big tomboy and was always hanging with the boys so we all got excited when there was a new kid. We always played football, baseball, hockey, kickball, went swimming, anything. I remember the summer he first moved him, him & Terenzi got really drunk and were stumbling everywhere and came to my door with dirt on their faces and were falling all over, it was hilarious just because they were like 12 or 13. He always knew how to make people laugh.He could have a bad temper at times but it only made us laugh at how much he overreacted at small things. He was always there for me and we could just talk about anything, he'd tell me about football and id tell him about softball. Last year when i road to school with him sometimes it would be me squished in between him and keegan.HAHA.... All my birthday parties, football parties with my family, highschool parties, movies, working out, whatever it was he was always there. He'd always wash my car and everytime i'd come outside he would whistle at me. I'd always seeing him running his 4 miles everyday at the same time. Id always know when he was home cuz id hear his loud music playing.I must have shown him how to download songs and burn CD's about a million times. The little things are what u miss the most and of course all the good times. I got him a job at walgreens earlier this year and he made working so much fun. I actually looked forward to it b/c we goofed off so much but never got in trouble. At prom last year i was pretty drunk and he took care of me & watched out for me. He was such a great person and cared for so many people and changed many lives. We grew up together, became best friends, and made so many memories that i will keep & cherrish forever. He's always with us and is forever our angel.

-Dana Aldrich

I just cant stop thinkin of you.
I miss you so much.
I wish this bad dream would end.
And you would be back with us again.
I cant wait to see you in heaven.
I know you'll be there waiting for me.
It may not be today or tomorrow.
But I know I'll see you someday.
Maurice, you were always so nice to me.
Im sorry we didn't know eachother better.
I love you so much.
Rest In Peace
Maurice Adams... You will be in my heart forever
Whenever I see a heart, I think of Valentines Day.
And whenever I think of Valentines Day, I think of you.

Whenever I see an angel, I think of heaven.
And whenever I think of heaven, I think of you.

Everywhere I look, I know you're there
Standing up in heaven,
Listening to our prayers.
Rest In Sweet Peace. Our Dear Friend Maurice.
Im gonna really miss him! "No, big numbers! Numbers like 69 and 420" You were always good for a laugh!


I met Maurice back in middle school. I was at a party one night and I drank a little too much and he took care of me. I didn't even know him very well then but he still helped me out that night. I still haven't forgotten that. Last fall I had some people over and Maurice was there. He was "a little" drunk and him and Brian fought all of us so hard to go to Steak and Shake. I prevented them from going thankfully. I like to think I watched out for Maurice like he watched out for me. It hurts to think I couldn't have watched out for him on February 14th. I'm just thankful I got to know him and I'll cherish the time I got to spend with him. Now he's our angel and he can always watch out for all of us. He's the greatest person I have ever met and I'll say it again, I'd be lucky to see him in heaven one day.

-Erica Myers


"Miss Me - But Let Me Go"
Author Unknown

When I have come to the end of the road
and the sun has set for me.
I want no rites in a gloom filled room
Why cry for a soul set free?
Miss me a little - but not too long
And not with your head bowed low
Remember the love that we once shared
Miss me - but let me go
For this is a journey we all must take
And each must go alone
It's all part of the master's plan
A step to the road home
When you're lonely and sick of heart
Go to the friends we know
And bury your sorrows in doing good
Miss me - but let me go.

Maurice is so beautiful. I am so incredibly lucky to have shared such awesome memories with such an awesome person. I will never forget "teaching him how to dance" the day of skit night. Bombs Over Baghdad will never have the same meaning. Thank you Dominic for sharing with me such an amazing friend.
-Tracey Rohrbach

I know I may not have none Maurice as much or as long as some people, but I knew him enough that I cried when I thought that I would never see him in the halls again or talk to him. I've known Maurice since like 9th grade, but 12th we we're talking again. We had Ms. DeGennaro together, I sat behind him, I remember we'd always talked about wanting to see Kara Lockhart drunk. It's sad that this will never happen though. I do remember a party he had at his house one time and he was messing with Fiendy P and drawing on his face and New Year's Eve at Joe Bannon's was a silly night for him. I hold these memories close and frown that we'll never get to share beers with him again. But we can still drink ones for him as he watches over us. The other night at his block party we all smiled that Maurice is in a better place as we toasted to his life and the effect it had on us.
The day he died I wrote this:
I heard my friend maurice died,
I try to walk through kids with water blocking my eyes,
I didn't care who saw me shed tears,
Its hard losing a friend in the last of our school years
We go on and think about all our dark fears,
I wonder we're death takes us,
I'm glad maurice aint here in this bullshit,
The world is a crazy place and at times it aint worth it,
What can we do sometimes when all wanna do is ask why,
And sometimes we think God hates us for taking away
the people we love,
But we know that there in a better place in the world
Hearts break when we heard the news,
But it didn't come to me till i walked down the halls
knowing he wouldn't be by ourside,
All we can do is old on to memories of the past,
All the times outside of school and in and out of
Say a Hail Mary and maybe an Our Father for Maurice,
Until we see him again may he rest in peace.
-Steve Hejl

A Brother and A Friend

We have always been inseparable,
from the day we met each other
like brothers we stood, side by side,
it was always you and I.

We've both changed over the years,
both for the better, and never drifting apart
I loved you more than anything;
you were my brother.

You were always there for me,
through the thick and thin,
Always you were there,
being my best friend.

No matter what happened to us,
or came in our way,
we always stuck together;
we were there to stay.

We've been through so much,
I don't know where to start,
I know I won't be seeing you,
Now, that we are apart.

These past few weeks,
Have been but a blur,
My head still spinning,
NEVER I believed, could this occur.

I ask God, "Why?"
A question among others,
And it seems there is no response,
Why he took one of my brothers.

Our memories are re-lived,
Through many stories told,
Of mostly good and few bad,
Until the day that I grow old.

The tears keep on flowing,
Like a dam that's been broken,
Maurice you were the greatest,
Now to Heaven, you have you're token

So good-bye for now,
But not for long,
I know I must get through this,
I know I have to stay strong.

And although I just want to sleep,
Till the hurting is through,
I know when my time expires,
Again I'll see you.

'Till that magical day,
When we meet again,
You will always be remembered,
As a brother and a friend.

-Sean Bergren

Maurice. What do I say? You were one of my best friends, and even
though you aren't with us here on earth anymore, you still are one of my
best friends. I still remember February 7, 2003 when I came over to
your house to pick you up to go play pool. And your mom was bitchin’ at
us over beatin' up those kids. And then she told me to watch your ass
and make sure that you kept yourself out of trouble and stay out of any
fights because you only had a few weeks left until you got off of
probation. I promised her that I would look after you and make sure
that you kept yourself out of trouble. Now all I can think about is how
I wasn’t there 1 week later, February 14, to keep you from getting in
that accident and how I let your mom, and the rest of your family, down
in the worst way. I should have been riding in that truck with you to
keep you from crossing that center line, but I wasn’t, and it hurts so
bad to know your gone. I know your in a better place and you’re gunna
be up there watching out for me now to keep me from getting into too
much trouble. I’ve always tried to have your back and I know you’ll be
doing the same for me now. I can’t wait till the day comes when we can
meet up again and kill off another bottle of Smirnoff, lol. Anyway,
take care Maurice, and you’ll always be a brother to me. Rest In Peace

-Adam Gonzalez

Angels gained a new friend
He died on a beautiful day
His touch is the wind
His laugh are the birds singing
His tears are the rain
He's everywhere now
People die but memories don't
People die but the love we have
for them lives on forever
He was a wonderful person who's
life was cut short
But he's in a place where
he feels no pain and guides us
He's with us you just can't see him
We cry because we're going to miss him
and that we're upset that
we're never going to see him again
Remember, as Becca York puts it,
Everything will be okay in the end
and if it's not okay...
than it's not the end...
May you rest in peace & be the angel you were born to be
We'll see you when we get there!

-Veronica Jimenez

I met Maurice on Halloween and ever since then I knew i had a friend in whom I just clicked with. He was one of those guys who always cracked you up even when he was pissed as hell, that's why you just had to love him. He just always liked to piss me off because he liked my "mad look". He would just sit there and say stuff just to piss me off and would start cracking up as soon as i got pissed, he would do it constantly too. Especially when we wrestled...he would always try to kick my butt and would treat me like a guy and would just throw me all around. Oh well, I'm sure he enjoyed that ;o).

-Lindsay Cowart

Maurice would always go out of his way to help a friend. I remember one time when I couldn't exactly drive myself home late one night. He was haveing a good time at the party but left to drive me and my car home so I wouldnt get in trouble for being late and so i'd get home safely. Not many people would do somthing like that...but Maurice didn't think twice about it. I never heard a
"you owe me for that night" or anything like it. He just did it, because he was a good person. He was a damn good person.

-Devin Vinson

the days just aren't the same
the nights seem to never end
the world has stoped moving
because we lost our dear friend

you came into our lives
full of energy and happiness
you had a light inside of you
that made you outshine the rest

i'll never forget the memories
the times we all shared together
those cherished moments we had
will be etched in my mind forever

you left us too soon
a fate we weren't ready for
now we have to accept it
heaven needed you more

so everytime the sun is shining
or a star stands out in the sky
we'll know its you watching us
watching over our lives

so wait for us dear friend
because it won't be long
before we'll see you again

there will always be part of you
that will be with us from now on
and then there's a part of us
that is forever gone

maurice you were golden
a wonderful friend
we'll love you forever
till we see you again

-Erica Myers

As im lieft to drown in this ocean
my flesh torn apart by these fears
that ill never have you near
you made me great
this really is all one big mistake
i never got to say goodbye
i will always remember our fist hi
man you kept me alive
even when i had no drive
now that your gone im frozen here
and all i wish is for you to be near

-Alex Kidman

Maurice was a close true friend of mine. We used to play basketball everyday after school. I remember a few good times and one of them was going to orlando with maurice it was jus him and me and the whole way he was singing. we used to go to the gym, go jogging, play pool and jus chill. Maurice and i had a detailing business together over the summer so i saw him everyday unless it was raining. He was never one to complain about anything or anyone. I am still in alot of shock but i wrote a little rhyme about how i I feel. I will miss him but never forget him.

man i miss maurice, more than you could know
and im really sad to see him go
he was a true friend, i never saw him frown
he would pick you up, if u were feelin down
he fought a hard battle, for 19 days
and now all we can do, is sit back and pray
im fallin apart man, put me back together
you better stick by my side, now and forever
i wish i could turn back, the hands in time
i wouldnt be sittin here, thinkin up this rhyme
i really miss you man, and im sad u died
i guess ill see u bro, on the otherside
well im goin now, ill keep you in my prayers
ill see u maurice Adams, when i get there

-Blake Livergood

I will never forget the memories I had with Maurice. I went to school with him, hung out with him outside school, and worked with him. One memory I still have clearly in my mind was when I got a lap dance from him. Boy could he shake it! When we all went Ice-skating he would push all of us down, and we couldn't skate fast enough to push him down, but this one time, one time only we got him down and we have a picture to prove it! He always made work fun, no matter what I would always look forward to work because of him. He was just the type of guy that was always happy and it was contagious! I have many more memories and I will always keep them close to my heart.

-Leah Dovellos

I met Maurice in 11th grade, but I just started hanging out with him this year. He was a great kid who
always made me laugh. He had such a light around him and whenever you saw him, you automatically smiled. My
favorite memory of him was this past New Year's Eve. He was extemely drunk the whole night, but he kept on
coming up to me to talk about the SAT's. We took the SAT's together so, we kept on talking about our
scores. He kept on telling me how he wanted to go into the Coast Guard so, he had to get a 1000 on his SAT's.
The next day, i went tover to Walgreens and saw him sitting in his truck, i guess he was on break. So, i
went up to his truck and knocked on his window and he opened the door. I asked if he was okay, cause he had
a pretty rough night the night before. He was like, oh, you heard about that, huh? And i told him that I
had been there and he didn't believe me. I told him that we talked about the SAT's and had a bunch of
converstaions and he didnt remember any of it at all. I thought it was hilarious. It may not sound like
much, but i will always remember that night and the day after when I think of Maurice.

-Rachel Asquith

I first started talkin to Maurice in 10th grade he was one of thoes people that you feel like you have known forever when you actually just met him. I never really became great friends with him but i wish i did cause he seemed to make everyone that he knew so happy.

-Jen Bryant

"we ready...we ready"
"i give it a tein a fuckin tein"
If you knew Maurice you heard every one of those said atleast a thousand times.
Often imitated never duplicated.

-Devin Vinson

Maurice Adams what a great name
What happened to him is such a shame
The dreadful day was Valentines Day
What a tragic way to end the day
It was a horrifying crash
which happened in a flash
He was put into intensive care
Everyone wanted to be there
When I heard the news I couldn't believe
That his face again I never will see
I remember the day, March 5th, 2003
First thing I thought, was how could this be
I remember he had such a handsome face
And a spirit that no one could ever replace
I don't remember ever crying this much
How's his family taking this, it all must be so tough
I hope he knows how much he's affected all our lives
We know how hard he struggled to survive
He held on for so long
Everyone is proud he was so strong
These times are rough
And we miss him so much
He's in a better place
Even though it is so hard to face
He will never hurt again
We miss you Maurice our beautiful friend

- Carly Timmons