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The Task


    Now that you have picked out the person you are going to create a memorial for, here is your job:  You have to decide where your memorial is going to be built. You pick the state, and the city.  Then you will need to design the inside and outside of the building using architecture styles that were popular in the time period that Mark Twain lived in. You will need to make a drawing of the outside, and a simple blueprint of the inside. Then you will need to decide what prized possessions Twain would want in his memorial and make a list of 10 objects that will be placed inside and why they need to be in the memorial. Then you will need to have a dedication. You need to pick 2 speakers that either knew Twain when he was alive, or would know him if he were alive today. Make sure that your group decides on a name for your memorial! Good luck! You have two weeks to work!




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