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Silat Cekak Ustaz Hanafi is a Malay's original and traditional martial art that has truly been practiced by the late Ustaz Hanafi Hj. Ahmad whether from the aspects of learning methods, concepts, principles, belief or its upbringing. It has been popularly learned by royal family and army officers of Kedah, one of the states in Malaysia during the reign of Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin. The most well-known leader of Silat Cekak ever known is Panglima Ismail. Then, Panglima Ismail passed this Malay martial art to Panglima Tok Rashid who further passed it to Encik Yahya Said with a request to passed it back to any of his grandchildren from Kedah. The request is fulfilled where in 1965, Ustaz Hanafi Hj. Ahmad has taken the leadership of this martial art back from Encik Yahya Said.

During the era of the late Ustaz Hanafi, he has revolutionised this martial art with his intelligence, giving new spirit and better approach of learning methods and raising the status of Silat Cekak to an amazing level. Silat Cekak has further emerged itself as a movement that is being admired both by friends and enemies by constantly providing positive contributions to the society. The impacts are absolutely magnificent; Silat Cekak is able to attract thousands of members from the society including intellectuals and professionals.

The splendid developments did not stop there. Under new spiritual leadership of En. Md Radzi Hj. Hanafi, the late Ustaz Hanafi's son, Silat Cekak Ustaz Hanafi now has branches in every state in Malaysia and has conducted training classes in almost all universities and higher education centres in Malaysia. With more and more efforts are being generated to raise Silat Cekak as Malays' invaluable heritage to national class, I believe that Silat Cekak will be one of the leading and respected martial art institution in Malaysia.


Although MARA College of Banting has been opened since 1993, Cekak Hanafi had only managed to enter this college in late 2000. At that time, there is only taekwondo as the sole martial art society exists in the college. When the 2000 batch entered the college, some of the Malay students there felt that something has to be done to bring traditional Malay martial art into the college as the self-defence art is very important especially for them who are going abroad. Ideas of establishing martial art club immediately being brought up and widely accepted as the club can also be used to fulfill the Creavity, Actions and Services(CAS) time credits, one of the requirements in International Baccalaureate programme.

Based on this, 2 Malay students who have learnt and done Silat Cekak syllabus have tried to meet the supervisor of Cekak Hanafi in Kajang area with high hopes of establishing Cekak Hanafi branches in MCB. Luckily, they were given green light by the supervisor which then tried to find as many coaches as possible that can train Cekak members here. With the cooperation and determination, the first demonstration of Silat Cekak have been organised successfully in early 2001 by members from PPP Shah Alam. Since that, MCB's Silat Cekak Hanafi society has never turned back. Many activities, including participations in Wajadiri tournament at the national level have been carried out with the cooperation of its hardworking advisors, Mr Ali and Ustaz Sulor and college administration. More and more members are being registered and in 2003, MCB's Cekak Hanafi society has more than 100 members out of 800 students in MCB. This is indeed a great development for MCB's Cekak Hanafi society. May more success come in the way for MCB's Cekak Hanafi society!