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welcome to the Marvel Militia

Last update:January 18th,2004

January 18th ,2004
K, i have deleted most of the content on this site,our new site at should be up soon.Eric is overworked and passing out,so we will give him a break and let him take his time for site.Until then, check this page and forums for updates. I have added to the member list ,so go there now and make sure you have all members on friends.The server is up and the i.p. is 24/7 MARVEL-M pub 1.6 .So admins are chosen and rules for admin abuse and orders are on forum.We are almost done setting up, and will start doing scrims and stuff once we get site up and have proper forum with member only password.If people ask you to join (any member) then you tell them to play on our servers for the next couple of days and we will tell them,recruiting them after 5 min. of playin (i am guilty of it myself)is no good, so tell them to play and wait:) thats about all,check forum for rest. gj all, and have fun:)


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