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Sometimes I Wish the World would Implode...

The other day I was watching TV and saw one of those "Truth Behind the Curtain" advertisements that try to stop people from smoking. I can't believe what I saw those punks doing. They were dumping fake money all over the middle of a busy street. I guess their mission was to get people to notice how much money the tobacco tycoons make off of teen smokers each year or some other bullsh*t. It really pissed me off how rude those kids are. Sure you punks are right, but why the hell do you have to make everyone else's day miserable like that. I'm sure there are non-smokers that use that road also.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a smoker and probably will never be one, but I'm tired of people bitching about it. Half the cities in America have banned smoking in public places, so there really isn't second hand smoke to worry about anymore. If someone wants to shorten their life, let them. All you are doing with your "cause" is pissing off the smokers who don't care about that. I mean, if someone doesn't know by now that the smoking companies lied and that smoking causes lung cancer, they must have either lived under a rock for the last few decades, or they are just idiots.

Do me a favor... stop harrassing people on the streets. I don't care about how much tobacco companies make and I don't care about your stupid curtain!