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hEy wAtz uP pEepz wELcoMe 2 mY sitE weLL deRz sUm LoVe poeMz 2 cheCc oUt buT i rEaLLy mADe diS sitE bOUt diS sToRy righT beLow u sHouLd rEad iT tAkez boUt 10 tOo 20 miNz 2 rEaD buT truSt meEh iTz woRth aWhiLe aFter u rEad iT u wiLL bE LyKe oMfg!!! oR mAYbe iT miGHt tEaCH u a LeSSoN boUt LoVe anD hOw pReCiOus iT iS bUt nE wAYz tHis iS a "tRue sTorY" sO checC iT oUt k eNjoY!!! hoLLa oNLiNe iF u wANt mY aiM sN:LuCkEaZnDrEaMer sO hoLLer nE tiMe pAYcE

4| | |- [ *[ Part I ]* ] -| | |3

four years ago, when life wasn't so hard, and friends and good times were all that really mattered..... a young girl about 14 years of age lived her life of simplicity. Her name was Leana. She was currently with someone totally different from her, and not to mention, a pure heart breaker and loser. But hey, life was good, she was young, and basically that didn't really matter. All that mattered was that she knew what it was like to feel for a guy at that time, and to live her life of endless happiness with her friends and family. One afternoon, she stood on the grassy hill after school, embracing her so called boyfriend Jerry. And at that moment, about 10 feet away, at the flag pole, stood a boy about two years older than Leana by the name of James. He watched her gently hug her boyfriend, and then slowly walk away, until he could no longer see her image. He never knew what it was like to feel for anybody, however, a strange feeling inside took over him. Something extremely unexplainable, and so confusing. And he thought to himself, "One day, I just gotta meet her." "Hey James!" a boy called out. "why do you look all dazed off en stuff?" "Ah nothin' Jay, lets jes go home now" James replied. When James had arrived to Jay's house, they sat down for some soda, and James had totally gotten his mind off of that strange feeling. "Damn, I forgot to go call my homegirl man, can you hand me the phone James?" jay asked as he took a sip of his soda. "Hello may I please speak to Leana? This is Jay" he asked. Jay and Leana began to conversate, until he remembered to do some chores….. so he handed the phone to James. "here man, can you go talk to her for awhile, I gotta do some stuff for my dad real quick?" "Aight cool" said James. "Hello! Yeah hi this is James! Who's this?" "oh this is Leana" she replied. After that one conversation, Leana and James began to keep in touch with phone calls everyday. Neither one of them knew what they looked like, or so they thought. For James was totally clueless that that one girl he watched from the flag pole the other day, was the very girl he was laughing and talking with everyday.

4| | |- [ *[ Part II ]* ] -| | |3

It had been weeks, and then months, and Leana and James grew close, and told one another everything imaginable. And with this bond, they became the best of friends. Still not knowing what they looked like in person, James decided to visit Jay again after school, which of course so happened to be the same school as Leana. James knew for a fact that Leana went to that school, but still didn't know what she looked like. Till that day after school. As James walked onto the campus, he stood by the same flagpole, and waited for Jay. He watched the crowd of people, chatting about, and doing their own thing, until he spotted that one girl he had seen that one afternoon. He was so caught up by the way she carried herself, and how different she seemed from the other girls. She was shy, mature, quiet, and simple. None of that make up stuff all over her face. As he admired her, something immediately caught his attention… "Ey Leana, wassup!" a girl called out, walking towards the girl James was admiring. "Wassup" she said with a grin on her face. "Oh my gosh!" James said to himself. "Could that be Leana? The girl I've been talking to on the phone with?" He was so surprised. He walked up from behind Leana, and tapped her on her shoulder and quickly turned around, pretending he didn'tdo anything. Disturbed as Leana could be said "How rude!" and all James could do was laugh. He couldn't believe that that girl he was so eager to meet, was the very girl he had been talking to for quite awhile now…..Leana. He called her that day, and told her that he saw her. Leana was so surprised. "Oh that was you huh, that one guy who tapped me on the shoulder huh?" she laughed. Inside, Leana and James felt something so weird, every time they talked and every time they were apart.They felt something inside when they thought of one another. But the feelings they felt, they let it pass, and denied it to themselves, as if it were simply nothing. They wondered about these feelings time to time, but never really tried to figure out what it meant, or what it was. Leana and James told one another about their lives, their fears, problems, and little infatuations over people every now and then, but never the kept feeling inside for one another. One rainy day, Leana called James up crying about losing Jerry. He comforted her so much, and she felt so much better when he did. James was always there for leana, and he never once let her down. That's one thing she loved about him so much. Not to mention, they were so much like one another, always making people laugh, and always making each other happy. Some say that these two were exactly the same, except different names, and the opposite sex of course. Summer came and James and Lena spent more time with one another, and finally got to see each other in person. They met each other at Jays' house one day, and Leana's heart dropped when she saw James for the first time. She watched him play on the computer, just as he watched her that one day after school. When it was time to go home, James gave Leana his school ID and she said her goodbye with a warm embrace to James. They both blushed, and that same unexplainable feeling took over the both of them. Leana knew then what that long time feeling she had been feeling all those times. She was no longerin denial...she liked him. The first person she told was her bestfriend Lae,who too knew James. She was shocked! Days later, James was talking to Jay, as he said, "Hey Jay, I think I like Leana." "Really!!! Wow, that's cool." From that day on forward, only five people knew, Jay, Lae, Leana, James, and god himself. And it was up to fate to lead the both of them to their destiny.It had been a whole year, and Leana and James still didn't want to admit their feelings to one another. They knew what was up, but never took the risk to admit. Until Leana hinted him out what she felt. "I'm suppose to tell you everything right James?" she asked him. "Duh! Why? You like someone huh?"he replied. "Uh yeah, sorta" she said. "Who," he asked. "Well, he has the same background as you, about your height, your age, and you know him very well. You see him everyday." She hinted out. James knew then what that meant. He felt the same, but was so afraid to show it, because he never had a girlfriend in his whole entire life. He knew it was him, and Leana was so relieved telling him Day by day they flirted every now and then and admitted their feelings in ways only they could understand.

4| | |- [ *[ Part III ]* ] -| | |3

On October 11, 1996, James and Leana both officially started seeing eachother. He was the most perfect guy you could ever meet in Leana's eyes to be exact He was tall, handsome, great sense of humor, caring, loving, just everything close to being perfect in Leana's eyes. And his eyes, his eyes were so warm, so sexy, so… WOW! And she was everything she thought of him to James. Everyone said that they were the most cutest, and perfect couple. And they were both so happy with one another. Everyone even thought they'd get married someday. He did everything for, to, and because of her, and she surely did the same for him. Their forgiveness, love, passion, and care were endless for one another. These two were inseparable, and in love. He always told her "you're such a big baby… you and those big brown eyes of yours, and those cute chubby cheeks …GodI love you" and kissed her lovingly on her lips. "I love you too babe," she'd always reply. Two years passed, and James of course graduated and things began to change. They got into many fights, and Leana began to feel the hurt inside, she never ever felt before. James told her though, that throughout all this negativity, he still loved her. He took her hand one day, as she cried cold painful tears, and looked her in her eyes and said "No matter what, through it all, this is it….There's no one else but you. I will always love you, and I will always end up with you….. I promise," and wiped her tears away as he kissed her forehead gently. James, began to change, and emotionally hurt her daily. Her sweetest and most perfect man was slowly disappearing into someone she never knew. He began to stop doing things for her, he stopped making her happy, and he stopped saying sweet things. He stopped visiting her, and stopped calling, and always chose his friends over her. When they argued, he'd yell at her, hang the phone up on her, and leave her with so much pain and nothing to do but cry. It was soon passed half a year, and things gotten worse. When she tried telling him how she felt, he just let it pass. He started lying about many things, and became so unfaithful to her. He began to drink, which he promised he wouldn't, and hung out with his friends morning, noon, and night, and never had time for her. James did things that his old sweet self would never do before. He left her many times at home just crying, and didn't even bother to see if she was okay. Basically, Leana was in love with someone who seemed to not love her back anymore. They were together alright, but didn't seem like it to Leana. It hurt to much inside, but because Leana loved him so much, she never did let him go. She took the pain, and cried endless tears, and still loved him through it all, while he was out breaking promises, and being someone he knew he never was before. There never passed a day when leana didn't think about him, worry about the relationship, wonder why he was the way he was, or cried about the hurt. The pain he caused her scarred her heart deeper and deeper everyday. Her family was affected, her friends, and even school. Everybody was worried about her. No one ever saw her smile anymore, and if she did,it was only for a while. She hardly slept, and just everything in her life fell apart. All because that one most perfect human being who walked into her life, and who she loved so much, hurt her in ways that could never be fixed. James basically left her out of his time, out of his reach, out of his life. He acted as if she wasn't even his girlfriend. She did as much as she could for him, though he didn't see it, and sacrificed her whole life for him. She did anything to make things work, but he didn't do much at all. She triedso hard to figure out what the problem was, & why he hurt her so much. "how can God give you the most perfect gift of your whole life to love, and take it away as if it wasn't yours to keep" she asked everyday. James became meaner and meaner, and it hurt her more and more. One day he picked her up from school, and his was so different. She looked at him slowly. His built was bigger, his lips …no smile, his voice so monotone, and his eyes…. She looked at his eyes through the rear view mirror, and she began to cry. His eyes were so cold now, and that love, warmth, and sweetness she use to see no longer existed. James wasn't James anymore. They didn't speak a word that car ride home, and all she could think was "Why ? why was it like this now?" She came home and cried her heart out. And all that played in her head was the days he always dropped by just to see her, just to hold her. Now, he seemed as if he didn't even want to hold her anymore, touch her, or look at her. She blamed herself for all of this, didn't know why, but it just seemed like it was her fault She lay in bed that night reminiscing about the nights they laid together in bed, and he held her close to his body, and never did let go. How she use to wake up summer mornings, and he'd be smiling and watching her sleep till she got up. Why was everything so hard now, and why did it hurt so much? She remembered the sweet ring of his voice constantly telling her he loved her, while they kissed, or just stared into each others eyes. She remembered the days when he'd stroke her hair, and laid the most simplest, sweetest, kisses on her lips. She remembered the days when he'd run all the way to her house just to hug her tight, and she remembered the days when just everything between them was so perfect. She cried helpless tears, and all hope was just gone. She knew she was still so young, but regardless what age she was, it still hurt. She felt that endless pain that shuts your whole life and hope down. The point was, she felt it, and she didn't know how to make it go away. There were times where she'd think about leaving him, but she imagined how worse the pain would feel knowing she lived a life without him. Just as long as she knew she was his, and he was hers made the slightest bit of feeling okay. Her tears fell harder, and her mind began to shut down on her. All she could think was "God I love you James, I miss your old self so much."

4| | |- [ * [ Part IV ]* ] -| | |3

One afternoon, James picked her up from school again. They were both walking until Leana began to cry like usual. "Why are you crying again damn!" James yelled. "Nothing…" she struggled to say. "You know what I hate about seeing you all the time, is that you always end up crying on me for no fucken reason! What the hell am I doing wrong now shit!" he yelled again. She tried to hug him tight, yet he resisted. "I love you James, I'm sorry," she cried. "yeah whatever," he coldly said. James was so frustrated, didn't know what he was thinking, didn't know what he was doing. A confusion of being with her or leaving her just rushed through his head, as they walked towards the car. Suddenly, in the midst of it all, a loud bang alerted them both. James didn't know what it was. He turned around to see if Leana heard it, "Ey did you……. NOOOOOO!" he cried. Leana had been shot on her right side, as she lay bleeding, and gasping for breath on the street by James' car. He ran overto her as everyone crowded around. "Fuckin' call 911" he screamed, as tears began to roll down his eyes. "Babe are you okay?" he asked, holding her in his arms. Leana slowly reached to touch his right cheek, as she looked himin his eyes, and lightly smile. "Babe, I'm so sorry if I did anything wrong to make us the way we are now." She struggled to say. "Leana don't even say that, you're going to be okay… God someone help!!!" he cried. "You hurtme a lot James, but I still continued to love you. Because no matter what, through it all, that's it, there's no one else…… no one else but you." she smiled, and coughed as she gasped for air. She began to cry, and still the pain she felt within her heart still struck her like always. Flashbacks of their times together rushed through her mind, and she could hardly keep her eyes open,as her helpless body lay strongly against James' chest. James crying harder than ever looked down into her eyes, hoping she wouldn't die. "Babe I'm so sorry for everything, God I love you! You cant leave, we're suppose to get married remember? Remember babe, I promised, this is it, it's you that I'm suppose to end up with. Babe remember?" he cried. "I know I know," she nodded her head slightly up and down, as her tears began to mix with the bright red blood upon her body. James held her tighter and closer to his body. "God please no, don't take her away from me……" he whispered. Leana's hand began to slowly drift away from his cheek, as she struggled to keep her eyes open. "I love you so much James, and I wish I could've made everything all better. But babe... Everything I did, and every tear I cried… I did it all for you…… everything…I love you babe." She said, "I don't wanna go, but I have to, and God knows I love you. We'll be together again babe….remember, because you said, we will always be together…. We will" She said slowly as one lasttear rolled upon her cheek, and dropped slowly on James hand. Her eyes closed,"I love you," she whispered, and Leana had passed away. "Noooooooo!!!" James cried. "You cant go…" he rocked her back and forth, and tried to wake her up. "Babe? Babe? Wake up… c'mon Leana. Please please…we can work things out I promise," "c'mon babe, we're suppose to get married babe, wake up. Babe? Please…" he begged. He closed his eyes and rested his head upon hers as endless tears continued to fall. "God Im so sorry I didn't take care of you babe, I'm so sorry," he cried as he kissed her forehead. All James could do was cry, and hold her until the ambulance came. As they put her on a stretch, and placed a white blanket over her head, it began to rain. James on his knees looked up into the sky and cried his heart our. "I love you Leanaaaaaaa!!!!!!!" he screamed. "I love you." He whispered one last time. From that day on, James knew there was nothing else he could fix. His life, his love, was no longer there. And all he could think about was her smile, and that one day she lay in his arms dying. He will always remember her, and will always love her…. Because this is it, it was her, that he chose to love for life. You see, life is never forever, and things come only once. You don't know how long you'll get to keep things, and you'll never know how long you'll get to live. But as long as you know you've got something in your life you love,and cherish so much…….. make the best of it. Because one day, when you least expect it, you could lose the most important thing in your life you set your whole future for. Take care of things while their still small, and most of all take much care of the people you love. Because one day, it just mightbe too late to take care of anything, or even see them smile again. Trust me I know… some day we will be.... because we promised we would.

4| | |- [ * LoVe pOeMz* ] -| | |3

.....loving you.....

These feelings, words can not express,
But on this paper, I’ll do my best.
A thousand stars in the sky at night -
Could not express these feelings right.
Oceans stretching shore to shore -
Endless, but I love you more.
I never knew I could feel this much,
My heart’s content with just your touch.
No matter where we have to go,
There’s one thing that I’ll always know.
I love you deeply, I love you true,
I’ll spend my whole life loving you.

......Love And Friendship......

Love for you is kept deep inside my heart
I want to tell you how I feel but I don't
know where to start

I'm afraid that you might run, afraid our
friendship might get lost
I care too much about you to lose you at
that cost.

I can't tell you why I love you, or how I
feel for you
But if you knew how much you meant you'd
know my love was true.

Some love is like the ocean; it comes and
goes with the tide,
But no matter how the moon is shining, I
want you by my side.

'Cause even when my hopes are lost, you
still bring back my dreams
And even if I can't show it, you mean more
to me than it seems.

......I Will Love You Forever......

I love you so deeply,
I love you so much,
I love the sound of your voice
And the way that we touch.
I love your warm smile
And your kind, thoughtful way,
The joy that you bring
To my life every day.
I love you today
As I have from the start,
And I'll love you forever
With all of my heart.

......For The First Time......

Into my world
of darkness and silence,
you brought light and music.

When you lit my candle,
I began to see and understand
the taste and texture of love.

For the first time.

......My Love......

My love is like an ocean
It goes down so deep
My love is like a rose
Whose beauty you want to keep.

My love is like a river
That will never end
My love is like a dove
With a beautiful message to send.

My love is like a song
That goes on and on forever
My love is like a prisoner
It's to you that I surrender.


Love is like a lump of gold,
Hard to get, and hard to hold.
Of all the girls I've ever met,
You're the one I can't forget.
I do believe that God above,
Created you for me to love.
He chose you from all the rest,
Because he knew I would love you best.

......Day By Day......

Day by day
Night by night
Kiss by kiss
Touch by touch
Step by step
I fall in love
A love so incomprehensible
So vivid
So unique
So wild, that not even the reign of god could control
A passion so deep
A need so necessary
A want so strong
The universe would not handle
I love you today
I’ll love you tomorrow
I’ll love you forever

......The Magic Of Love......

Love is like magic
And it always will be.
For love still remains
Life's sweet mystery!!
Love works in ways
That are wondrous and strange
And there's nothing in life
That love cannot change!!
Love can transform
The most commonplace
Into beauty and splendor
And sweetness and grace.
Love is unselfish,
Understanding and kind,
For it sees with it's heart
And not with it's mind!!
Love is the answer
That everyone seeks....
Love is the language,
That every heart speaks.
Love can't be bought,
It is priceless and free,
Love, like pure magic,
Is life's sweet mystery!!

......For You Are The One......

For you I would climb
The highest mountain peak
Swim the deepest ocean
Your love I do seek.

For you I would cross
The rivers most wide
Walk the hottest desert sand
To have you by my side.

For you are the one
Who makes me whole
You've captured my heart
And touched my soul.

For you are the one
That stepped out of my dreams
Gave me new hope
Showed me what love means.

For you alone
Are my reason to live
For the compassion you show
And the care that you give.

You came into my life
And made me complete
Each time I see you
My heart skips a beat.

For you define beauty
In both body and mind
Your soft, gentle face
More beauty I'll ne'er find.

For you are the one
God sent from above
The angel I needed
For whom I do love

......Perfection in my Eyes......

All I ever wanted was to be part of your heart,
And for us to be together, to never be apart.

No one else in the world can even compare,
You're perfect and so is this love that we share.

We have so much more than I ever thought we would,
I love you more than I ever thought I could.

I promise to give you all I have to give,
I'll do anything for you as long as I live.

In your eyes I see our present, our future and past,
By the way you look at me I know we will last.

I hope that one day you'll come to realize,
How perfect you are when seen through my eyes.

......Because Of You......

Because of you
my world is now whole,
Because of you
love lives in my soul.
Because of you
I have laughter in my eyes,
Because of you
I am no longer afraid of good-byes.
You are my pillar
my stone of strength,
With me through all seasons
and great times of length.
My love for you is pure
boundless through space and time,
it grows stronger everyday
with the knowledge that you'll always be mine.
At the altar
I will joyously say 'I do',
for I have it all now
and it's all because of you.

......Never Let Go......

So restless at night, when I dream of you
I open my eyes, hoping it came true.
It didn’t again so with tears in my eyes
I hold my pillow to soften the cries.

But distance means nothing in love that’s true
And though I long for one touch from you,
I’ll squeeze that pillow while we’re apart,
You hold me too, you hold my heart.

No one has ever made me feel so complete,
My whole life was lived just so we could meet.
I’ll dream of you now, on into the night,
Hoping that soon you’ll be holding me tight.

My dreams will come true one day, I know,
Just hold me close, and never let go.

......What I Love About You......

I have sometimes wondered
What I love about you,
I've come to one conclusion
It's everything you do.
The things you say to make me smile
And fill my heart with bliss,
The way you look into my eyes
Before each and every kiss.
The many days we've spent together
Together all alone,
As long as you are in my life
I'll always feel at home.
The many places we have gone
Together hand in hand,
I'll do whatever it will take
The vows, the wedding band.
The way you feel against my body
Takes my breath away,
Not just your presence, but your love
Urging me to stay.p So when I say that I love you
I mean exactly this,
I've loved you since the day we met
And from our first true kiss.


When a guy calls u, He wants to be with you.

When a guy is quiet, He's listening to you.

When a guy is not arguing, He realizes he's wrong.

When a guy says, "I'm fine," after a few minutes, He means it. When a guy stares at you, He thinks you're the most beautiful thing in the world. When you're laying your head on a guy's chest He has the world. When a guy calls you everyday He is in love. When a guy say he loves you He means it. When a guy says he can't live without you He's with you till your done. When a guy says, "I miss you," He misses you more than you could have ever missed him or anything else. GIRL FACTS: When a girl is quiet, Millions of things are running through her mind. When a girl is not arguing, She is thinking deeply. When a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions, She is wondering how long you will be around. When a girl answers, "I'm fine," after a few seconds, She is not at all fine. When a girl stares at you, She is wondering why you are so wonderful. When a girl lays on your chest, She is wishing for you to be hers forever. When a girl calls you everyday, She is seeking for your attention. When a girl wants to see you everyday, She wants to be pampered. When a girl says, "I'll love you forever," She means it. When a girl says that she can't live without you, She has made up her mind that you are her future. When a girl says, "I miss you," No one in this world can miss you more than that.

Love is love feelings and emotions run by actions that define love. Love must comprise two things: respect & trust. Love can break a person in half, or can lift a person right up. It brings pain, but brings out the affection that one has for another. Love gives off two affects; bliss or misery. To truly love one at such a young age infrequently exists, but there are exceptions. There isn't enough experience in a young person's life to have learned from being in love. It takes time to fully understand heartbreak, jealousy, dejection, pleasure, etc. To be in love is to be able to sacrifice for that person; it is to strive your hardest and give 110or him/her. The hardest battle that couples can face is when the trust is lost. For someone who has been hurt before or perhaps had not experienced heartache will realize that trust is the most valuable gift love has to offer. The trepidation of having to endure that occurrence in someones life is foreseeable. Falling in love is taking a big risk in their life. Having to trust someone else other than yourself is a big step one has to overcome as part of life. When that trust is broken and you are given a chance, dont blow it! Do not expect another chance for the trust has faded and will no longer come back. Life is indeed unfair. There are obstacles that you go through. That goes for loving. There are lessons that you learn with the one you love. You both begin to realize that having one another gives you strength within, but also being able to separate and not rely on each other so much shows intensity. When there is happiness in love, there comes a time when that love is tested. Fights are not always a bad thing. It demonstrates your positive reception to one another. Learning from each others flaws can be a benefit to the relationship. Dont take love for granted. The words I Love you is abused here and there. Truly loving someone is when you realize that having him/her in your life is giving you the willingness to overcome any obstacles that you have or are facing. Appreciate every moment that you have with the one you love. Don't get caught from having the feeling of "you never know what you have until you lose 'em." Promises are one thing. They will be broken. Do not promise anything if you truly believe that you will keep that promise. It can be a painful result for it to be broken. Most of all, dont hold back. If you truly love that person, tell him/her. Do not hesitate to tell that someone how you feel. Even if you are just walking together or eating at a restaurant, look at them in the eyes and say it. Also, make sure when you do say it, you mean it.

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dedicated to my wife april arucan <33
