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Lord Darkfire

Name: James Darkfire.

Nickname(s): LD, Dark, Darkfire, and whatever anyone else decides to call him.

Sex: Male.

Job: Armorsmith.

Date of Birth: About 35 years ago.

Alignment: A mix between Neutral Good and Chaotic Good.

Race or Species: Elf.

True Form: Elf.

Eyes: Dark Brown.

Hair: Brown and naturally messy.

Skin: Light Tan.

Other physical features: He's 6' tall and has a medium build.

Describe your attitude: He's very kind and extremely loyal to his friends. However, he's quiet when he doesn't know and/or trust anyone he's around.

Biggest Character Flaw: He has a strange habit of almost always getting into trouble.

Personal Quotes: Assumption and underestimation can lead to even the greatest warrior's downfall.

Parent(s): Both deceased.

Sibling(s): Airion Darkfire, his older brother and Lirael Darkfire, his sister-in-law.

Wife: None.

Children: None, but he has two nephews, Ian and Storm.

Close Friends: Chance Winstar, Anaik Sull, Chaltah, Kathlene, Leatusce (deceased) and Devlynn Ravenger.

Worst Enemie(s): Anyone that harms or threatens his friends, family and any innocent person.

Pet(s) and their names: Aspen (a wolf).

Favorite Color(s): All colors.

Favorite Animal(s): Any and all.

Favorite Drink(s): Cider, ale and Elven mead.

Favorite Food(s): Anything.

Favorite thing(s) to wear: A silver necklace with an Elvish symbol carved from onyx hanging from it.

Hobbie(s): Meeting new people, reading, crafting items in his shop and sparring, just to name a few.

History: James was born in a northern, elven realm about thirty-five years ago. He grew up happy with his mother, father and brother. But, one day, when he was at the age of seven and a half, the town was attacked by drow, many were killed, including his parents. He then ran away with his brother and they both ended up in a forest far away from the town. They both ended up getting adopted by humans in another town but LD was never the same after what he had seen.

Then finally after he became old enough to leave home, off James went into an adventure that led him to many places and he made many friends. Then one day, he was walking along and he had spotted a sign that read 'Salamander, 1 mile ahead', so, he decided to go there. After he arrived he found himself rather fond of the atmosphere of the town so he decided to stay. After his decision he got a job as the local armorsmith, and remains in the town of Salamander to this very day.