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Created by Webworldx, Overlord and Max Payne 

This zip file should have been downloaded from the above address. If not, it has been posted by a site without permission.  Please be careful in accepting files that are not from their original source, the zip file may have been modified to include harmful code on your message board. All support for this zip, and the latest version can be found at the above address. Enjoy!

--Setup Instructions Part 1--

Contained in this zip file should be the following:

-This Tutorial

Firstly, you'll need to upload all the images in the zip file to a good host. I suggest one of the following:
- information: Signup for an account, then FTP or file upload all the images to the server.  You'll have an address like You'll need this later :-) information: Signup for an account, then use the Upload (http) feature to get the images to the server. You need to do it in blocks of 10, as that's all the upload feature allows at this moment in time.  Once it's there, you'll have an address like You'll need this later :-)

While you're there, upload the two .js files in the zip file onto that host too, you won't be needing to edit these AT ALL in this version.

--Setup Instructions P2--

Ok, go into YourBoardFooters.txt A listing of everything in there: 

-RPGHigh - the Post Count that will max out the bars (big forums, set this higher, smaller... set it to around 1000)
-NextLevel - How many posts it takes to get to the next level
-BaseURL - URL (and subdirectory) where you uploaded the images.  NO trailing slash in this version please
-HP/STR/DEF/MAGImage - the images of the respective images, you may wish to up your own ones of these
-theText - Text that is shown in the threads for the Request Battle link (change this if you don't like the option)
-theSubject - Subject of the Private Message
-theMessage - Content of the Private Message
-getStats() - a function, DO NOT change the name of it, but if you wish to modify the mathematics that determine the HP/STR/MAG/DEF, then edit these.
-Race - the array elements hold the names of the RPG Races/Classes
-Race Folder - the subdirectory (if any) of the images for the RPG Races/Classes. Usually they'd all go in 1 directory, but you may want to split them up if you've got a lot of images.
-RacePicName - the names of the uploaded pictures, change if you're not using a RPG board (would prefer different weapon NAMES)
-RacePicName2 - same as above, but the evolved weapons
-RacePicURL - the URL of the pictures, so sword.gif would just be sword, the rest is determined by the script
-RacePicURL2 - the URLs of the evolved pictures, again, mod this to whatever you want.
-Extension - If you changed the images, and they're now .txt (geocities), or just wanted to upload .jpgs, change the extension bit.  Most people will keep this the same.
-RPGbfv31.js - that's the script right at the bottom.

If you haven't done so already, change BaseURL to the one you got in part 1. Change anything else that suits. You'll also need to change the URL of the script at the bottom, to the URL of the script in part 1 too.

Then, copy the text file and paste it in the BOARD FOOTERS

--Setup Instructions P3--

In the BOARD HEADER, put this: 

.rpg {background-color: E6E6E6; color: 7E7E7E; font-size: 10px;}
.rpgb {border-color: C0C0C0;}

Changing the colors to match what you want the RPG to look like.

You've done the hard bit now, just copy:

var Race=new Array();
<script src=""></script>

and paste it in the MAIN FOOTER (change the Races to the exact ones in the board header). That's it!

Save your headers and footers, then go to the board that you've applied the script on, you should notice the new RPG hack!!

Any problems at all with the script, however small (or large!): 

Frequently Asked Questions:
How do you battle?
We let users of the hack develop their own methods for battling, there is currently no specific method on PB for online battling with other members of your board. There will not be a battle hack created for PB for quite some time, so please stop requesting this as a future add-on, we try our best to appease users, but this one just isn't possible at this moment sorry.

Credits and Personal Thanks

v1.7a and below were created by Webworldx
v2.0/v2.1 was created by Overlord, Lans Tartare and Webworldx
v3.0/v3.1 coded by Overlord and Webworldx, graphics by Max Payne

Thanks to everyone who made this happen, especially those listed above, who without, this would not have been made possible. Also thanks to Da Warriah for "the code" back in December, I probably wouldn't have started this script had it not been for your help.