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My Canucks Rant!

What Went Wrong!

This might get long and ugly so bear with me (or don't read!) I could barely sleep last night and I desperately need to vent out everything that's been going through my mind: my disappointments, my beliefs, what I hope will be done and just how big a nucks fan I am.

I was the game last night and was disappointed for a few reasons.

First off this chick in a white tank top kept bouncing her ass off in between plays and the row of males (two guys who were old enough to be the girl's grandads) were paying more attention to her than the game. It was just disgusting to see those dirty old men telling to take her top off and everything. You could tell she just wanted the attention, nevertheless she was trying to get the crowd into too, but when the crowd would rather take commands from a jumbotron with the 'let's make some noise' signs rather than take her lead, she should take a hint and sit her ass down. In addition I glanced over to Bertuzzi's and Crow's wives to see their reaction and it was nothing short of a glare and probably the same reaction I had. (and I wonder if that chick knew they were sitting around her?)

That said and done the Canucks were never good enough to beat the Wild. They were outplayed and badly outcoached!

The Goaltending. We needed a dependable backup for Clouts. Imagine had Auld OR Skudra (and I still think Skudra was in a rare funk when he embarrased the team, and that was mostly because at that time our defence was at its lowest!), where was I? Oh, if either of those guys had 20 wins or something during the regular season, and had Crow NOT overplayed Clouts I think there may have been a chance. Remember when Skudra was put in for relief during that Detroit game (or was it the Avs?) and Vancouver ended up winning? Well that idea isn't too far fetched in the playoffs either. (ANd remember that's when we could still play Skudra when he was our backbone if Clouts had a meltdown). In games 5 & 6, those were chances to shake things up if only we could really rely on someone else (and I'm not saying AUld isn't reliable but he doesn't have the experience and we've only seen him play against the bad teams anyway). Instead, with Clouts still in net our boys are putting even more pressure on themselves to not let the puck get to the goal and that pressure can lead to mistakes!

I'm not saying this plan would work but the least Crow could do was realize Clouts' future as a human sieve and had he thought about this during the regular season we might have had someone with more dependability AND some experience as a backup.

on a another note, many have been saying that Clouts sucks or whatever, (I being one of them on one too many occasions), but remember this is the guy who played in November brought the team to the post season in the first place, and in february for that streak as well. He's a great goalie but carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, and I can't believe I'm saying this now cuz he needs to find somewhere else to go! Or maybe, if he doesn't have one already, he could use a psychologist or something cuz it's more about the things around him rather than his skill.

The Coaching. Where to begin? Well let's start with the obvious. Lemaire's system worked, Crow's didn't! I think we all believe that Vancouver has better individual players. The main difference is that the Nucks have two elite defensemen in Ohlund and Jovo and they we're able to contain any of the Wild's rolling lines. Our best checking lines weren't that all effective with them either. It was said during the Blues series that Crow said that the Wild gave him a headache, no kidding, he's probably got severe migraines by now.

The defence. People say that Jovo should convert to a forward position but I say it's Sopel. At least Jovo can play defence and play it well (usually), Sopes doesn't have a clue what he's doing in his end and that worries me more than anything. It's a miracle he hasn't scored on Clouts yet. But Sopes is SOpes and he has that offensive thing going on (which is why he's even on my hockey pool!), and what the hell was with him being afraid to get hit, dude! it's hockey! Which brings me to what I hope will change for next season. If Baron leaves I hope we can find a younger reincarnation of him, he's really dependable in his own end but on one too many occasions I keep saying "skate a little faster Bear, he's right behind you!". And if wouldn't hurt to bring Lidstrom too! And I really hope that we can develop Allen or Baumer into something spectacular too and my real worry is that Crow is putting too much emphasis on the D's jumping in and not getting back in time to save Clouts's ass.

The Forwards. SOmeone please teach Naslund how to pick a player!!!! That goal by Walz I think, a while back, where Nazzy's all over him and the guy STILL scored! I couldn't believe what I was seeing! Nazzy, take the body, TAKE THE STICK AWAY! He's the worst player in his own end, and when he tries to play defensively he gets a penalty. I hold my breath everytime he's on for a faceoff in his zone. Here are the season numbers. 104 pts starts it off at +104 , minus his PP pts, 54 leaves +50. His actual rating for the season: +6. Now what the hell happened during 44 shifts?

That said, Bertuzzi could step it up a notch with his defensive play too who's a +2 and 97 pts. Teach these boys how to backcheck! If they're on for 20 mins a game then it's their duty to be able to play both ways. If not, then why can't the Sedins play a little more? The twins play about 10 mins a game yet more often than not they've been sparkplugs for the team. The team needs some definite all around forwards. Kinda like Linden (and here's where my bias comes in...he's my fave!). Remember when he was a triplet? That line was terrific and the only reason why they've been separated is because Linden is one of the better defensive forwards, and he's needed on the PK and on the checking lines. But wait, his point production was at it's highest these last few months and his true offensive nature was coming out.

If Linden can be reunited with the twins we need someone strong to fill in that checking, PK-ing role. Another Chubarov would be nice or a new Cooke, but mostly... a new Linden. Let go of Ruutu (even though he's been playing well as of late), say buhbye to Lootie (I honestly believe that our PK failed due to Lootie's absence in game 7), but put these boys in good homes! and if Lindgren gets better, and stays healthy we can still use him in the forechecking. And little Brandon Reid, not sure what's gonna happen to him. His play seems better suited to teams like Montreal or even the Wild. But he's great although I'm not sure who he can replace. And please Klatt...stay! You're our go-to guy!

Anyway, it was just so disappointing to see how hard Vancouver worked last night and still wasn't able to get the win but really, it's a reflection of the entire series when the Wild's system badly outworked the Canucks'. THe defence was completely absent (or in the offensive zone), and Clouts, with all that pressure on him, just wasn't able to keep the pucks out. I even concede that they were lucky to get to game seven at all.

The Pros have been saying that this was THE Canucks' chance to get the cup, but really, there IS next year, and the year after that, and the year after that (actually that might not be true if the walkout becomes a reality), but you know what I mean.

They've come a long way these past few years and there's still the possibility of improving upon what we have and what we can get.

Now my appreciation of the Wild. I hope that they go on to win the cup because of what they have accomplished. They beat the leading Cup Contenders (IMO, The Avs) and then they beat Vancouver.... WOW. They've got Gaborik who's just too good to hate (I typically hate the best player of the opposing team) but damn, I wish he were a Canuck. And the Wild got by, by rotating goalies!!! But my biggest appreciation is to the Wild fans. I was honestly jealous out of my mind when I saw game 3 and saw all those fans louder than anything I've ever heard, and those consecutive sellouts? WOW! No bandwagoners in sight (even when they were down 3-1).

I was mortified once again with the crowd throwing drinks on the ice and pretty much ashamed. And where's the appreciation of having this team giving its fans the best season in franchise history? Leaving early? Yes I had a frown on my face but at least I stayed till the end and clapped for the boys out there who brought us thus far. And I wasn't as disappointed as I could have been.


This could have been round one rather than round 2. There might not have been extra money in the bank from these last games! The could have been the Avs!

Honestly, if the Canucks were going to lose to anyone, I'm glad it was the Wild... but next year we'll kick your asses.

Okay, I think it's all out. If you read it all, thanx for listening!

Oh and I sighted my first Canucks away from the rink yesterday too! (albeit, they were temporary Nucks!)

I was walking home from school after getting off the skytrain and wondered why some guy was wearing a suit in the hot sun on Robson St, across from the CBC station, this area isn't exactly a business district. ANyway it ended up being Brad May who was talking on his cell walking with some other guy in a suit (an agent or something. He was definitely on his way to the rink.

About a half hour later I took my dog out for a walk around BC Place. It was weird cuz I usually start around the left side but I decided to go right this time and so we walked all the way around and on the long steps on the opposite side (the GM place side)there are two really tall guys in suits having a serious conversation and it ended up being Auldy and Baumer. I would have said something but they were totally into their conversation and didn't even acknowledge my presence nor my dog's! Plus I didn't know if they were playing or anything so I wouldn't wanna go "good luck" and have them thinking "if I play" or something. Plus I was a little nervous cuz my dog was off leash and has a tendency to go around to sniff people and follow them for a little bit and the only way to counteract that is to speed up so I had to.

Oh and I saw Craig MacEwan from the skytrain doing his segment from the ground at Science world, and after the game my brother and I trailed Jim Hughson for a block or two to get home.

My Favorite things about Angelfire.
