[M.y. | A.n.G.e.L.'s.]

Kristina, Me, Sara, Erica and Rachel

//KaYLa\\ Hey hunny! OMG we have sooo many greeeeat memories! We have been BFF for like 8 years now! One decade is on the way! haha! You are one of my biggest supports, I love you and dontcha ever forget it! *7 CARS!* *OoOh No! I think he's melting!* *$1 for grammie!* *Whateva Major Loser!* *I'm GERMAN!* *My gum is in your toad and my peanuts are blue!* *HIDE THAT BOOK GOOD!* *Wanna go in the pool ;)?* ((BFF))

//SaRa\\ Hey Pattie! aKa Latrina, LILT, Bitch, ChaLiFouFou! haha! We have gotten so close in such little time! I am so glad I met you! You have helped me through soooo much and I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for you! Never forget our song and all our other memories.. *You wounded me with verbis!* *Hi My name is Janet Poor and I am a Gallina.. I know that.* *Yes, nod, yes* *Another wound, another Latin hater!* *Agricola!* *Occupant and Amasne!* *La La La.. etc.* *Me deux* *JJJJJJJ!* *Hey bitch! - Hey whore!* *That's a cute curl!* *Skunky hair!* *Terets!* *-a -um!* *We're slackers and skippers hahaha* I LOVE U!! BFF!

//LizZy\\ OMG hun I have known you for so long you feel like my 2nd sister! We both have been through soooo much shit, but together we made it and I love you sooooo much for always being there for me, especially when I was breaking down in tears you held me and made everything ok. I could not ask for more in a friend! Never forget all the greeeat times! *Boob!* *L-Slice, Sexy MF and M-Dawg!* *Monopoly!* *Old mother!* *Bobbert!* *I'm too tired to fall asleep!* u know there are so many more babe! *ILY! BFF!

//KeELy\\ hey foufou! aka SLUT! haha jk babe. It's cool we kinda met up again this year it felt like i hadn't known you for so long! We have had so many good times in French and Science! *Me deux* *JJJJJ* *How many people fit under there? Deux.* *Terets!* *If I wanted to hear from an asshole I'd fart!!!* I love you hun! Good luck with Scotty-Poo! lol! BFF

//ChRIs\\ Aww man you are cool shit! You are so funny and you always make science, well.. interesting lol. Funny times with Mazzie and all those silly quotes! LMAO. I love ya hunny

//PeTeR\\ Hey. You are an awesome friend, I hope things haven't gotten too weird between us! Smeagol wants you! hahahah. So yeah, you're a sweetheart, thanks for being there and understanding so much stuffs. <3 ya!

//LaUrEn\\ OMG hun you are my true guardian angel! I am so glad me met this april and I know I have made a lifelong friendship with you :) You are so motivating and supportive of me! You always are so understanding and know just how to make me smile! THANK YOU! I love you so much and I hope we can get together again soon! K.I.T. babe! ILY! BFF


[M y | OtHeR | sTuFf!]

*My BLurTy
*My PoEmS